Wayne County Fair in Belleville Aug. 3-8
Ann Arbor residents are lucky, we have our OWN county fair, however the Wayne County fairgrounds are also at our back-door. This week, August 3-8, the Wayne County Fair will be going on in Belleville with events from the typical livestock showings to a talent show, rides, all the "fair food" one desires, demolition derby's and so much more!
The Wayne County Fair 10871 Quirk Road / Belleville, MI 48111 Phone: (734) 697-7002 The fairgrounds are located West of Belleville and North of the I-94 Service Drive.For families, the best times to visit the fairgrounds are when discounts are in place (of course). For the past several years I have competed in the talent show and have brought the family along. This year though I will think about taking the kids for Wednesday's carnival day, where kids can ride all they want for $10 or possibly we'll attend during Friday night's track event where kids under 5 get in free.
Events Schedule: Aug. 3-8 - 2009 Wayne County Fair Aug. 5-8 - Carnival Aug. 6 - Night of Destruction Aug. 7 - USA Auto Enduro Run Derby Aug. 8 - Michigan Supercross Championship Series
For a full schedule of events visit the Wayne County Fair Web site. The Web site also has a $2 discount coupon good for events on Thurs - Sat night!Tammy Mayrend is a Search Marketing professional who blogs on local activities for families at annarbormom.com.
Creative Commons License / photo credits: WayneCtyFair