More updates from the film set of "Trust" at Dexter High

David Schwimmer
Even so, Moran was up for answering more questions about how things are going. ("Trust" is one of two Hollywood movies currently shooting in the area; the other is "Cedar Rapids.")
Q: What parts of the school were used for scenes today (Wednesday)? A: Let’s see. We were all over the place. We started this morning in cafeteria area. They started shooting at 7:30 and went the whole morning, running right up to the lunch period. They were running a little late, so we cut it a little close, since 400 kids were about to come in for lunch. But then they moved to the library and filmed there until the building emptied out, and then went back to the cafeteria until the soccer team was scheduled to come in at 5:30. They also filmed in one of our science rooms, filming a class scene.
Q: Were the delays just a matter of getting additional takes? A: That’s exactly what it was. Seems like getting the shot just perfect takes a little longer. But so far, they’ve pretty much been on schedule. The good news is, they got scenes out of way that they were going to do tomorrow. They pretty much run at full speed for 12 hours, with a one-hour break for the crew for lunch.
Q: About 50 kids were employed as extras on the first day. Were a similar number involved on Wednesday? A: The cafeteria scene had about 25-30 kids. This afternoon, they were sitting in front of same food they had this morning. (The film production company) had to buy their meals, so they’d packed them up and held them a few hours. For a classroom scene, they used about 20 kids. A similar number, but different kids. They send out an e-mail night before to tell students, you are picked, show up bright and early with a backpack, headphones, and any other teenager gear you’ve got, and be ready for the day.
Q: How did kids who wanted to be extras apply? A: Last week, we put out an e-mail telling students they were looking for 250-300 paid extras. The state requires that a form be filled out by the parents, so (filmmakers) had to get those and take them to Lansing, and Lansing has to approve them. Then their names are in the hopper, and the casting folks decide who they’ll cast as extras the night before and send an e-mail blast out to those students. So they don’t know ahead of time, until the night before. (On Tuesday), some of the extras worked overtime, so one girl I spoke to had made about $90. She was pretty excited about that.
Q: Have any students gotten to say a line? A: No. They haven’t said a line, but they’ve mumbled in the background. They mostly walk and talk.
Q: What’s David Schwimmer like on the set? A: He’s really laid back. They’ve all been very understanding. They’re making a movie, and we’re running school. With 1200 kids and 100 staff, and 100 film people, we’ve all been doing our jobs in the same place at the same time, and they’re pulling it off - we’re pulling it off. They’ve hurried, we’ve moved kids around - it’s an interesting dance we’ve been doing. Today (Wednesday) I got the chance to watch (Schwimmer) close up, talking to these young actresses, and he really gets kids, and gets the best out of them he can. He’s not a director who just sits on a chair, barking orders, which wouldn’t work with teenagers, anyway. He’s very hands-on.
Q: Have you had parents who’ve been concerned about the filming, or who want to be around when their kid is involved? A: We had a couple of parents who came by. They didn’t want to be in the film or anything, but they’re the parents of young kids, freshmen, and they just wanted to be around if their kid needed something. The scenes done in the school are obviously rated G. Tomorrow (Thursday) there’s a locker room scene, and they’re going to be in some of the hallways of the building. Friday will be the biggest scene, which will be easiest for us: a volleyball game in the gymnasium. If anything, the kids are getting an appreciation for how hard these folks work. It’s not quite so glorified when you’re actually putting in the time.
Jenn McKee is the entertainment digital journalist for Reach her at or 734-623-2546, and follow her on Twitter @jennmckee.
Dog Lover
Thu, Nov 12, 2009 : 1:13 p.m.
This new picture is way better. I'm glad you got rid of the yearbook photo.