Heidelberg's Club Above drops live music, now a poker venue
Big changes are afoot at the Heidelberg’s Club Above.
The venue that formerly played host to live music (upstairs from the Heidelberg restaurant at 215 N. Main St.) is turning over a new leaf — or card, as the case may be.

“Everybody was doing their best. It’s not that people weren’t pulling their weight, but we weren’t moving further up, so we made the switch.”
The change went into effect last week, and acts that had been scheduled to perform at Club Above have been canceled.
According to No Fun Entertainment/No Fun Records' Claudia Leo, who had been booking acts for the Club Above, performers were lined up for the venue through June, and news of the club's shift came suddenly.
"When No Fun Entertainment was asked to join The Heidelberg, we were given a very strong commitment to building up their rock club on a long-term basis, which we met with equally long-term booking efforts," Leo wrote in a prepared statement.
The booker e-mailed her statement from a music industry convention in Los Angeles, where she is now working to find a new Ann Arbor venue for the performers that had been booked at Club Above.
"The Heidelberg’s reckless actions left everyone in the lurch, completely disregarding the high quality work that both artists and booking agency had put into building up their venue, which had been embraced by the music community as a much needed and promising addition to the Ann Arbor/Detroit music scene," said Leo.
Holloway countered that many nights on the Club Above's upcoming schedule were "to be announced."
"But the reason we did this is because we didn’t see an increase in business," he said. "This was a business decision. Now the room is rented, we’re being paid, and all we have to do is supply a bartender. That’s it."
Holloway nonetheless expressed regret about having to cancel dates at Club Above (which has now been re-named the Heidelberg Poker Room).
“I felt bad about that, but (the poker room deal) was a signed contract for us, so we had to cancel immediately,” said Holloway.
Currently, the Heidelberg is committed to 2 years of poker, every night of the week, in the space formerly known as Club Above.
Has Holloway heard any feedback from patrons about the switch?
“I’ve heard zero,” said Holloway.
"We have 3 floors, and we want each to be successful," said Holloway. "This is the way we think we can do it. There was nothing vindictive about it. (Leo) put her heart and soul into (Club Above), and I understand that, but there was no money in it. We were just breaking even at best, and that's the bottom line."
To check out a new web site devoted to The Heidelberg Poker Room, visit www.1800letsplay.net.
Jenn McKee is the entertainment digital journalist for AnnArbor.com. Reach her at jennmckee@annarbor.com or 734-623-2546, and follow her on Twitter @jennmckee.
Some Guy in 734
Mon, Jan 25, 2010 : 7:04 a.m.
Alan Goldsmith--how about if Ypsi is just the next Ypsi? Seriously, though. Annarbor.com may be under the impression that we don't have neighborhoods here in Ypsi, but we have plenty of places to catch live or DJed music. Come on over! Grab a bite here, quench your thirst, and shake your tailfeather until it's good and shook. We welcome you Tree Town lot. In fact, we'll even pretend we don't hear what you say about us the rest of the week. Hey, some of my best friends are from Ann Arbor.
Lawn Care
Sun, Jan 24, 2010 : 7:14 p.m.
Its a real shame that the Club Above is closing its doors to music. We had some very fun shows there and it felt like there was a lot of potential. We always had a great time and we were treated with respect. No Fun Entertainment created a positive professional environment that was a pleasure to be a part of. Considering how enthusiastic and hard working Claudia is, we hopes she finds another venue soon. Ann Arbor needs more live music venues.
Randy Tessier
Sun, Jan 24, 2010 : 11:48 a.m.
Dear Friends: I'm surprised that in the discussion about the Club Above's past and future, the one thing that was cool and working, thanks to Ray's kindly deal with us Geester-rockers and following -- Marv and Millie, Edward, French, Hinchey, et.al.(you know who you are) -- was our Friday Happy Hour Co-op. For two and a half years, Drivin Sideways, Cadillac Cowboys, Incognito, FUBAR, George Bedard, Orange Door Hinge, Deep Space Six, and a host of others rocked the joint. In fact, when we first started, Slim, on the second floor, was worried we might discourage the food business. As it turned out, Slimmer said our older demographic was good for business. Thank you, Ray. Right now Chris Goerke is anxiously awaiting a possible go ahead for a move to PJs LIVE, let's hope it happens. Happy New Year - Randy Tessier
Inspector 57
Sat, Jan 23, 2010 : 11:02 p.m.
"So, the manager is doing it to get more money and not on what customers wanted; how can we be surprised?" Yeah, imagine: a local business is taking a step to ensure that it will actually make money and stay afloat. What a hostile move that is to the people of Ann Arbor! It sounds as though the Heidelberg will serve more customers by dealing poker than playing music. So then isn't it actually improving its service to the community by making this change? "As I return home on a Fri eve with no music venue left in the home town that I love..." If Ann Arbor has "no music venue left" with the closing of the Club Above, then I would say local music fans' (and promoters') problem is significantly more profound than the decisions of The Heidelberg's management. Sounds to me that there are fundamental problems with presenting live music in Ann Arbor. It's not the Heidelberg's responsibility to turn that situation around. If the live musical scene that some people seem to feel entitled to is truly viable in Ann Arbor, it will happen with or without the Club Above.
Sat, Jan 23, 2010 : 6:33 p.m.
No Drivin Sideways the last Friday of every month?!?!?!?! Worst non-Haiti news of the new year. Hopefully, some other venue steps in to fill in the gaping void that this closing leaves.
David Briegel
Sat, Jan 23, 2010 : 2:24 p.m.
Andy, it's all late at night and we had a Fri happy hour for 25 yrs that is now finished. I agree about Ypsi being a happening place but many of us want a Fri happy hour. Just one?
Sat, Jan 23, 2010 : 2:01 p.m.
Don't cry music fans, just head over to Ypsi, where the real live music scene is in the area. In two blocks we have The Elbow Room, The Tap Room, The Keystone Underground, and the Dreamland Theater, with The Scream'n Eagle just a few blocks away. And, with two more live music venues planned to open downtown this year, The Crossroads Festival, The Jamboree, and Elvis Fest, we have your live music fix covered over here! The Paul Keller Orchestra(Keystone) and Laith AlSadi(Ebow Room) are alredy here on a weekly basis, shouldn't you be?
Sat, Jan 23, 2010 : 8:48 a.m.
No more Latin and Dancing at the Heidelberg? Say it ain't so, Joe!? Truthfully, I spent many a Friday night at the Club Above, met wonderful people, hiked up the steep stairway, breathed icky smoke, tramped through nasty floors and leaky bathrooms, always grateful it was too dark to really see the place. My dancing has waned over the last couple years so I guess I'll add this to my memories, but grateful for being a part of the action while I could. Thanks for the memories.....
Sat, Jan 23, 2010 : 7:46 a.m.
Ann Arbor downtown has no music scene...the management at the Blind Pig have a small network of juvenile music bands and the Ark serves to the baby boomers....such a shame for what could be it a town that is supposed to embrace the arts.
Fri, Jan 22, 2010 : 8:52 p.m.
Poker??? SEVEN NIGHTS A WEEK??? Really??? Such a disappointment. I was skeptical at first when I heard the Club Above was getting more serious about bringing in more live and Dj'd music. A short six or seven months later and I'm going to miss having another option for going out and dancing in this town, not to mention more live entertainment opportunities which this town desperately needs. The 80's night was a blast, too! Everything about what the venue has done now just sounds icky and sketchy even if it is for charity. I'm pretty sure I won't be going back there (Rathskeller included) for ANY dining, drinking, dancing and certainly not poker. Gross.
Fri, Jan 22, 2010 : 8:45 p.m.
The folks at "Plastic Passion" (monthly 80s/retro-alternative dance party at Heidelberg from June 2009 - January 2010) here would like to make a less inflamatory statement for the record: At no time was it ever brought to our attention by the Heidelberg's management that Plastic Passion or other No Fun Entertainment shows at the Heidelberg were unprofitable for the Heidelberg Club Above or did not improve their ability to be a succesful music venue. In fact, we received praise several times from the Club's staff and regular patrons that Plastic Passion was one of the Club's more succcesful nights of the month. Our latest event on January 9th, 2010 was the 3rd best attended Plastic Passion event since we began working with the Heidelberg. We chalk that up to all the hard work that Plastic Passion and No Fun Entetainment did to promote the venue and the eclectic in-demand type of entertainment that we provided. The fact that our endeavors lasted longer than most previous music-based endeavors at the Club Above is also evidence. We understand that sometimes a business has to make unpopular decisions to improve their bottom line, but the decision to suddenly pull all music events, with only a few days warning, was indeed a shock to us because there was never any notice or evidence that we were not living up to the Club's expectations until they had already solidified this leasing deal with another company. As a result, Plastic Passion will be moving to a new venue in the future and is looking forward to working with a professionally managed one.
David Briegel
Fri, Jan 22, 2010 : 8:27 p.m.
As I return home on a Fri eve with no music venue left in the home town that I love, it is reflective to examine these comments. I went to the Club Above last Fri expecting to hear more live music only to find it closed with my friends in the basement (rathskellar) crying in our beer wondering how this could be. In a wonderful town full of the most incredible musicians it defies logic that there are no venues unless you wish to hang from 11 - 2 with the 22 yr old crowd in a smoke filled claustrophobic environment. One would think that a supper club or cocktail lounge would exist with live entertainment at a reasonable time and a reasonable price with a consistent committment and a professional approach to the genre. With the loss of all entertainment in that time frame the whole community suffers. I agree with most all of the comments on the struggle to make this successful but the Fri Happy Hour had been happening for 25 yrs despite the half ass approach of the venues and the total absence of any and all promotion except the word of mouth of the bands and their fans. It is a sad commentary on Ann Arbor that the best place to go for entertainment and the arts is Ypsilanti. With the exception of The Ark and the Michigan Theater there really isn't much to celebrate about in Ann Arbor.
Tonya Lozano
Fri, Jan 22, 2010 : 8:04 p.m.
In an age where most venues seem to cater to a very specific crowd, it was refreshing to have the opportunity to experience diversity in musical entertainment. I am saddened by the Heidelberg's decision to unceremoniously cancel their music venue. As an avid attendee of Plastic Passion, I am hopeful that other opportunities and venues open their doors for these magnificent diverse musical events. There is definitely a market out there, perhaps a venue with more respect for musical diversity will flourish in the absence of the Heidelberg.
Wendell McKay
Fri, Jan 22, 2010 : 7:42 p.m.
This is very disappointing news. Though I'm not audio-savvy enough to really appreciate any acoustics deficiencies, Plastic Passion had become a cherished part of many people's lives and the Club Above's reputation unarguably gained thereby. It was also great to see No Fun Entertainment find a new home of sorts after bringing so much great music to Ann Arbor in the past, especially with the legendary garage rock nights at the Blind Pig. And that's just my own personal experience; I'm sure those who came regularly for Latin night have their own complaints, not to mention scheduled acts for January like the excellent Ultrasounds. That the success and prestige of these efforts are being shunted aside (with, dare I say, an unprofessional lack of notice) for the doubtful pleasures (and revenues?) of poker nights is a sad comment on a place which had a chance to become something really special in a town whose live music scene has always been one of its highlights.
Fri, Jan 22, 2010 : 4:58 p.m.
Besides the large quantity of smoke at this venue (which will be remedied now that MI is going smoke-free!), I thought the Club Above was the best venue for dancing to Latin music. The DJs always played a great variety of music, more than just salsa, and the crowd seemed to come from all around the Ann Arbor area. I hope another decent club will take on having a Latin dance night on the weekends. Cafe Habana's Salsa Thursdays doesn't do the trick...
Fri, Jan 22, 2010 : 4:49 p.m.
We'll miss Latin dance nights. So, the manager is doing it to get more money and not on what customers wanted; how can we be surprised? The rental fee by the gambling company must be higher than the money the live acts and dancing was generating. I assume there's a flat rental fee(maybe also percentage of take) that's paid to the Heidelberg and not that they are expecting to make money based on proceeds alone from the gambling operation.
Grand Marquis de Sade
Fri, Jan 22, 2010 : 4:26 p.m.
At least I'll never have to lug my gear up those g*%damn stairs again! So long Club Above. You will be missed. Sort of.
Fri, Jan 22, 2010 : 4:11 p.m.
"poker company" leasing space = sounds like a gamble to me!
Atticus F.
Fri, Jan 22, 2010 : 3:35 p.m.
I think they are leasing to the poker company. So they will collect rent even if it's not successful, at least until the company stops paying.
Fri, Jan 22, 2010 : 3:07 p.m.
Didn't Full Moon aka "monkey bar" aka Full Moon just down the street try Charity Poker last summer and fail miserably at it? Didn't the old location for BW3 in downtown Ypsi try it and fail? Seems to me that Heidelberg is grasping at straws with this manuever, and alienating the only steady business they had for their Club Above: the music and Latin nights. I'll have a drink...somewhere else of course...tonight to celebrate their new endeavor...lol.
delete this profile
Fri, Jan 22, 2010 : 2:40 p.m.
Thanks for the clarification Edward I was wondering how this could even be legal but the charity aspect makes sense.
Charlie Naebeck
Fri, Jan 22, 2010 : 1:33 p.m.
well, Thankfully there is much diversity in Ann Arbor and there are other venues for musicians to play. I remember attending several events and the sound was poorly constructed (there was no form of dampeners in the hall area upstairs and the sound constantly bounced which made it near impossible for proper acoustics for bands listeners)on what seemed to be plywood risers. It seemed as if they thought bands would bring in as many patrons as possible so that the bar could sell alchohol which has always been the case in the music scene for clubs for many years, but Heidelberg did not offer anything that was unique like other venues do. They could have done better having a band set up in someones garage and performing to a lawn audience... atleast the acoustics would have carried instead of bounced to torture the patrons ears. As far as poker... all they care about is getting Paid... not about community that came to play music and support their establishment.
delete this profile
Fri, Jan 22, 2010 : 1 p.m.
Poker? Seriously? Maybe I'm just too old but I can't see how that's going to bring people in on a regular basis.
Fri, Jan 22, 2010 : 12:33 p.m.
It's surprising the manager of Heidelberg talks about stagnation and the "same thing" when it has been obvious over the years that the venue has no idea what it wants to do, and has displayed the most inconsistent bookings and shattershot approach to filling their space with events that it could fairly be said to be a place that doesn't know the local market, disrespects when their acts and promoters with sudden cancellations and changes, and seems to go out of its way to make sure events DON'T become consistent or take off by undercutting them, cancelling, and running a sloppy ship at the bar. I'm sure this Poker Thing will fall at the Heidelberg like nearly all their events do, and in a year or so, they'll be changing what they do with "The Club Above" yet again. They've burned alot of bridges with this abrupt change, and the local music and bargoing public won't forget. How does this place stay in business at all, anyway?