Restaurant Week comes back to Ann Arbor June 9-14

Restaurant Week dinners are three courses and cost $28. Lunches are a one-, two- or three-course affair, depending on the restaurant, and run $15. Many of the participating restaurants are offering two-for-one pricing.
Restaurant Week is sponsored by the Main Street Area Association. During the early years of the event, it was primarily focused on the downtown Ann Arbor area, but in recent years the scope has broadened to include locations across Ann Arbor, including Metzger's, Mediterrano, Chela's and more.
One of the aspects of Ann Arbor's Restaurant Week that sets it apart from restaurant weeks in other cities is the broad array of cuisines and restaurant styles included. Diners have choices that run the gamut from high-concept fine dining to tacos and pub fare.
The list of participating restaurants and menus can be found on the Ann Arbor Restaurant Week website, and reservations can made directly with each participating restaurant.
Jessica Webster leads the Food & Grocery section for, a part of the MLive Media Group. Reach her at You also can follow her on Twitter or subscribe to's email newsletters.
Kevin & Lucas
Fri, May 24, 2013 : 7:07 p.m.
This is an awesome event and thanks to Ann Arbor restaurants for participating!