Peggy Lampman's Wednesday dinnerFeed: Smoked Fish Appetizer Platter
Peggy Lampman | Contributor
Sept. 1 also serves as brutal reminder that the carefree nonchalance of slicing a thin-skinned summer squash will soon be replaced by the hard-to-crack gourds of fall.
Summer's not over yet, not with these temperatures, so I plan to appreciate a sunset tonight with friends while the temperature agrees. I have no time to cook, but our food lover's paradise provides a wide range of ready-to-go food. I'll pick up some smoked fish spreads, a baguette and pluck some tomatoes from the vine, garnishing the dish with garden herbs. Plum Market, Monahans Seafood, Zingermans, Durhams' Tracklement's , Whole Foods are just a few local markets that carry excellent smoked fish spreads.
I spent about 5 minutes scooping dips into containers and slicing a baguette. For a more elaborate smoked fish appetizer spread, check out another Smoked Fish Appetizer Platter I constructed in late spring. It's lovely but will consume an extra 30 minutes or so of your time.
Carpe Diem!
Yield: Serves 8 (with only finger foods as an appetizer)
Time: 10 minutes
Cost: apx. $18 (depending on price of fish spread)
1 8-ounce package of smoked salmon
1 8-ounce package of smoked trout
1 freshly baked baguette, sliced
Fresh herbs and nasturtium blossoms for garnish, optional
2-3 cups cherry tomatoes, locally grown if available
Place fish spreads and cherry tomatoes in small bowls and garnish with fresh herbs. Surround with baguette slices and serve.