Peanut Butter Fingers: a quick and simple dessert for peanut butter lovers
Erin Mann is baking a new cake every week for a year from the "All Cakes Considered" cookbook and shares her adventures here on Read past columns here.

Peanut butter lovers will enjoy these easy-to-make treats.
Erin Mann | Contributor
Rex and I decided to combine efforts in the kitchen and make the Peanut Butter Fingers along with something for us to take to work for lunch the next day. He’d been itching to make another batch of rice balls, or onigiri, which is a Japanese comfort food. It is essentially a compressed ball of rice in a triangle or round shape with a savory filling and often coated in seaweed for easy handling.
We first heard of these handheld snacks in the Spilled Milk podcast which credits The Joy of Rice, part of the Oishinbo manga series, as its inspiration. We learned to make these tasty Japanese snacks from tutorials on the web about cooking Japanese rice and how to assemble rice balls. They are a great party food; we took them to a gathering earlier this summer and they were a big hit.
Mixing the batter for the Peanut Butter Fingers was a cinch. The recipe suggests using a 9 x 9-inch square baking pan, but we used an 8 x 8-inch pan. Either one will work; the smaller pan will just make your fingers slightly thicker. We greased our pan using the leftover wrapper from the stick of butter used in the batter.

We assembled rice balls while the Peanut Butter Fingers were in the oven.
Photo by Rex Roof
Erin Mann is a lover of all things cake and peanut butter. Email this baking bachelorette at or follow her on Twitter. Facebook users can also keep up-to-date with A CAKE A WEEK by joining the group.
Jessica Levine
Mon, Aug 30, 2010 : 8:47 p.m.
*Rather, peanut butter fingers *and* rice balls!
Jessica Levine
Mon, Aug 30, 2010 : 8:46 p.m.
Peanut butter is love; those peanut butter rice balls look especially amazing (and fun to make!). Thank you for another great post!