Brown sugar pound cake teaches important lesson in oven calibration
Erin Mann is baking a new cake every week for a year from the "All Cakes Considered" cookbook and shares her adventures here on Ann Read past columns here.

An inexpensive oven thermometer will help prevent baking blunders.
Photo by Flickr user sparktography
I positioned the thermometer so it hung on the top rack in the center of the oven (about where the cakes sit) and turned the oven on to 350 degrees. I waited a good half hour before opening the oven door to get my first read. Turns out my oven's idea of 350 degrees is more like 380 degrees. I tried other temperature settings and the results were the same; 30 degrees hotter than the dial setting.

I used a butter knife to create decorative waves.
Erin Mann | Contributor
I took the cake out of the oven after the recommended baking time of 70 minutes. The outside of the cake was perfectly baked - golden brown and not too dry. I'd say that oven thermometer was 5 dollars well spent!

Pecans are the perfect addition to this sweet cake.
Erin Mann | Contributor
Erin Mann is a new contributor to She is baking a new cake every week for a year from the "All Cakes Considered" cookbook. Email her at or follow her on Twitter.
Fri, Jan 15, 2010 : 10:22 a.m.
Is the cake and frosting recipe here somewhere?
Linda Wiedmayer
Fri, Jan 15, 2010 : 9:16 a.m.
Looks like a $20 cake to me. The way you did the frosting is impressive.