Drinking beer to help keep the Huron River clean

Pre-beer flows through the Huron River at Gallup Park, Ann Arbor.
Photo by Flickr user orangeandbrown.
When people talk about a beer’s flavor, much is made of hops, malt, and yeast — all essential ingredients, to be sure — but you don’t often hear a lot about beer’s biggest ingredient: water, which comprises 90 percent or more of Our Favorite Beverage.
In recognition of this fact and to help ensure we continue to enjoy the blessings of high quality water, local breweries are again teaming up with the Huron River Watershed Council for the second annual Brew for the River, a series of beer release fundraisers beginning Thursday, Aug. 9 to celebrate Michigan’s cleanest urban river and help underwrite the HRWC’s efforts to keep it that way.
Like last year, Brew for the River release parties take place Thursday evenings from 5 to 7:30 p.m., with each location featuring a specially brewed beer created with local ingredients from the watershed. Also like last year, you can pick up a “Brew Passport” at the first release, get it stamped at each successive release (there are five in all), and become eligible to win a grand prize (more on that in a bit).
Unlike last year, there are even more chances to win free growlers, T-shirts, and other door prizes as well as other swag from River Trivia competitions. A portion from each evening’s beer sales will go to support HRWC’s education and conservation work.
Without further ado, here’s the schedule:
Aug. 9: Wolverine State Brewing, 2019 W. Stadium. Head brewer Oliver Roberts unveils his Honey Creek Beer to the delight of thirsty taste buds everywhere. Pick up your “Brew Passport” for a $5 donation to HRWC and be sure to get it stamped here and at each successive event.
Aug. 16: Jolly Pumpkin Café & Brewery, 311 S. Main. Enjoy brewer Ron Jeffries’s Hummocky Lick Sumac Sensation Ale.
Aug. 23: Grizzly Peak Brewing, 120 W. Washington. Brewer Duncan Williams and company present Swift Run Ale.
Aug. 30: Arbor Brewing, 114 E. Washington. Silver Creek Ale from brewer Logan Schaedig is the beer of the night. Ask about Arbor’s new solar-powered brew system!
Sept. 6: Blue Tractor BBQ & Brewery, 205 E. Washington. Brewer Tim Schmidt busts out his Hay Creek Ale. Turn in your fully stamped passport and be entered to win a prize, including the grand prize of a free growler each month for 10 months from each participating brewery. Dude. Must be present to win.
Sept. 13: Suds on the River. Hosted by Ruth and John Langs at their home on the river, Suds is HRWC’s annual fundraising gala, featuring food from some of the area’s top restaurants and, of course, plenty of beer. For more information and to buy tickets, see here.
David Bardallis is a freelance writer and editor, blogger, bon vivant, and man about town. Visit “All the Brews Fit to Pint” at AnnArborBeer.com, follow @allthebrews on Twitter, or join the "All the Brews Fit to Pint" Facebook page. Email your beer-related thoughts to annarborbeer@gmail.com.