Blue Tractor BBQ & Brewery: BBQ Finally Comes to Ann Arbor
If I had one complaint about the food in the Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti area it would be that there are no legit BBQ joints. I really can't think of one place in the area that specializes in BBQ, aside from Smoke House Blues which is pretty so so. Zingerman's Roadhouse comes close, but it features a lot more than BBQ and costs a pretty penny. When I found out that the Blue Tractor BBQ & Brewery was opening up in Ann Arbor, I couldn't wait to visit and see if my wishes were answered. How do you survive without good BBQ within driving distance? How has this area, which has pretty much any kind of food you could ever want, existed without BBQ? The guys who brought you Grizzly Peak and Cafe Habana have come to our rescue. This past week I finally got out to pay it a visit and I was not disappointed.
This is a definite Southern style place. From Carolina BBQ to fried green tomatoes, it screams down home deliciousness. The atmosphere of this place is pretty nice. It’s a cozy, trendy, dark little pub with that Southern flair (unfinished wood paneling, random tractor paraphernalia on the wall). There are giant casks of beer above the bar that help add to the rustic feel. I’d say there are probably only about 20 tables in the entire restaurant. I’ve been to some of the better BBQ joints down South, and the Blue Tractor is obviously trying to emulate that atmosphere while adding a modern feel. It works to a point, but doesn’t exactly trick you into thinking you’re not eating in downtown Ann Arbor.
My meal began with the soup of the day, which was a Chicken Corn Chowder. It was creamy with large chunks of chicken breast, and the addition of corn added to the flavor very well. This wasn’t anything incredible but it was a pretty tasty soup. I wouldn’t rush to order it again, but it definitely wasn’t the worst soup I’ve ever had.

Chicken Corn Chowder from Blue Tractory BBQ & Brewery
John Moors | Contributor
There are a lot of good looking appetizers to choose from, but we went with the Artichoke Dip, which is made with Swiss cheese and served with fry bread. This dip looks exactly the way it tasted. Delicious. It was a lot heartier than your average artichoke dip and will fill you up before you get your dinner if you’re not careful. A lot of the appetizers look like they have potential, but I have to recommend this one.

Artichoke Dip from Blue Tractor BBQ & Grill
John Moors | Contributor
For dinner one of the obvious choices is the Beer Can Chicken. If you’ve never had beer can chicken, you need to stop reading this right now and figure out a way to get yourself some. Basically you stick a chicken on top of a half filled can of beer with some added seasonings, throw it in the oven, and the steam from the beer moistens and adds flavor to the chicken. Blue Tractor slow cooks a free range chicken over the beer can, char grills it, and bastes it with Bock barbecue sauce. It’s served with a side Bourbon baked beans and buttermilk mashers. This is some serious food porn. The chicken comes perfectly cooked, and the barbecue sauce is plentiful.

Beercan Chicken from Blue Tractor BBQ & Grill
John Moors | Contributor
While I was looking around the menu a lot of items caught my eye, but none more than the Buffalo-Style Mac and Cheese. I know I’m at a BBQ restaurant and everything, but I couldn’t turn this down. It’s made with a blue cheese sauce, chicken cooked in red hot, and topped with chives. What I got blew my mind. I seriously couldn’t start eating for a few minutes because I didn’t want to disturb such a beautiful sight. Thankfully I bring a camera with me to restaurants and I can now savor this image forever. This isn’t your everyday mac and cheese. If you can finish this entire bowl in one sitting, then you get some major respect from me. The blue cheese sauce is incredibly rich, and the chicken is spicy and delicious. I couldn’t help but mix the chicken and the hot sauce in with the macaroni and create a big sloppy mess. Good god this was delicious.

Buffalo Mac and Cheese from Blue Tractor BBQ & Brewery
John Moors | Contributor
They also brew all of their own beers in house, but it was lunch time and I don't have the kind of drinking problem that has reached that level. I will for sure be making another visit and will give them a try then. As far as the food goes, I have to recommend the Blue Tractor to anyone who likes BBQ or just good food in general.
John Moors is single handedly raising national obesity levels and documenting it on his blog at Express your love of BBQ or just say hello by e-mail at, or follow him on Twitter @EpicPortions.
Sun, Jan 24, 2010 : 4:44 p.m.
Another good spot not too far is the Boneyard. They have three locations, Livonia, Redford and Farmington Hills. On the deli side, try the Bread Basket that just opened on the SE corner of Carpenter and Ellsworth. I've eaten at the Oak Park location and their foodd is great. I recomend the swanky franky.
Sun, Jan 24, 2010 : 4:36 p.m.
Yes, Mr. Rib was great, as was DeLongs years ago. As for Smokehouse, they are not too bad, try the BBQ chicken Nachos.
Thu, Jan 21, 2010 : 3:31 p.m.
@Brad: how did you spend over $100 per person at the Roadhouse?
John Hritz
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 5:09 p.m.
The pictures at Boogie Woogie BBQ are amazing.
John Hritz
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 5:01 p.m.
Thanks @fjord, I also judge BBQ places by pork, brisket and ribs. And in that order. The loss of Mr. Rib was a hugh blow to the local BBQ offerings around here. Zingerman's annual BBQ dinner has been a favorite of mine, but their production BBQ is still a work-in-progress. The brisket, for example, comes to the table in shredded chunks like a braise rather than in slices. Great flavor, but wetter than I like. For the folks that gave a thumbs-up to Chef Chris over in Hamburg, I'll need to make another visit. The first time the pulled pork was dry and the baked beans were unconventional. I think they had blueberries in them. There's no mistaking the smoker in the parking lot. In other BBQ news, Willis' Picklebarrel Inn has reopened as Bone Heads BBQ ( The pulled pork was heavy on the sauce and premixed. I like mine on the side. Their mac & cheese and cole slaw was good. For those that are willing to travel further, West Texas BBQ Company in Jackson was good the last time I was there. They're only open for retail for a few hours a week so you'll have to call. Most of their business is catering. I haven't made it to the BBQ Shack (also in Jackson), but I've heard good things.,GFRC:2006-49,GFRC:en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=jackson,mi+bbq&fb=1&gl=us&hq=bbq&hnear=jackson,mi&cid=11644842200086460590
Spencer Thomas
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 4:42 p.m.
Tony -- we're comparing to Zing Roadhouse, not Zing Deli. The restaurant guide rates it as $$$ (14-19), although many of the entrees are in the $$$$ (over 20) range.
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 4:26 p.m.
Second on Boogie Woogie or wherever Chef Chris is cooking--he's a mean barbecue cook. Also a good spot on M-52 in Adrian on the north side of town, on your right as you drive in. Can't remember the name. Slows is very good. And I do miss the Soul on a Roll.
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 3:51 p.m.
I love the Blue Tractor! I love the beer. I love the BBQ. I love the MacNCheese. I love the Burgers. I eat out a lot and I've been to Zingerman's and Slow's. They are pretty good. But, The Blue Tractor is better. On my visit to Zingerman's I spent over $100 per person. It was pretty good, but not quite as good as The Blue Tractor.....oh, and I typically end up spending $20 per person at The Blue Tractor. Slow's is a fun journey into Cork Town. It is cool to drive by all of the burned out buildings, etc. It is a cool environment, and the BBQ is also pretty good. So, I feel lucky to have 3 places to go for BBQ in SE Michigan. The Blue Tractor is the best. Something for everyone and the BBQ is darn good. I'm can't get enough of the Pulled Pork!
John Moors
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 3:30 p.m.
My apologies for the lack or true 'que, but when I saw Buffalo mac and cheese I couldn't not order it.
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 2:50 p.m.
Yeah I've never been there but that pic of the buffalo chicken mac n cheese just convinced me to give it a try. See ya this weekend BT!
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 2:41 p.m.
Any chance they serve Brunswick Stew? I had the opportunity to travel down to Georgia several times in the 80's and got hooked on the stuff. It looked like something collected at the bottom of the garbage disposal, but it was fantastic.
John Moors
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 1:39 p.m.
I would have eaten at Mr. Rib for that name alone. That's gold Jerry, gold. Slow's is one of my next stops for sure. My friends and family know me well and always get me restaurant gift cards for Christmas. Slow's was one of them.
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 1:38 p.m.
Been to Blue Tractor a few times and found the beer to be pretty good (not great) and the BBQ just average. And I really wanted to love it. ZingRH may be expensive (no argument) but their ingredients are the reason. They really get amazing stuff. It makes a difference. I also miss Mr Rib and have got to try Slows someday...
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 1:11 p.m.
I agree with others about Mr. Rib. Hands down the best BBQ I have ever had. Regardless of health consequences, I would eat there weekly if it were still around.
Top Cat
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 12:33 p.m.
Would agree with some that Slows in Detroit, a few blocks west of old Tiger Stadium, is the best BBQ in the area.
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 12:09 p.m.
@BrianR Amen. RIP Jessie!
Joel Goldberg
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 11:10 a.m.
Mostly-unknown gem: Boogie Woogie BBQ in Hamburg. Largely takeout with a couple of vestigial tables, but Chef Chris does great pulled pork and mouth-melting beef brisket. Don't forget the sides of slightly-too-sweet potato, collard greens and mac/cheese. Twenty+ minutes from downtown A2, north on US23 to M36 west, on the right just before the turnoff to Zukey Lake Tavern.
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 10:34 a.m.
Wow- love this place. Some good comments and some funny weird ones. As a BBQ fan, I know it takes time to perfect and the BBQ has continually improved at BT. To compare to Zingermans is not quite fair so I won't since I love BT but I will say, you don't have to be wealthy to take your family to BT but Zingerman's is as expensive as the Chophouse- really it is. Zingermans is amazing-don't get me wrong. NC Terry- I hope the owners respond back to you- would be great to get their Chef to talk to you about NC BBQ because I do think this is lacking a bit. Also, when first opened their beers weren't so hot, I met their new brewer and his beers are amazing. Now, we have 4 great Ann Arbor made beers/breweries- yum!
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 9:02 a.m.
I'm pretty sure it's Bear Paw Porter, but whatever... I LOVE Blue Tractor!
John Moors
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 8:41 a.m.
Wow, apparently I need to give it another try. It certainly didn't taste like someone threw up in a bowl. Everything we had that day was very good.
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 2:07 a.m.
Is it just me or does that mac n cheese look like something someone threw up into a bowl and put chicken tenders on? I've eaten here twice and I have to say that the best thing they have is the free peanuts you get with your beer flight. The food is mediocre and the beer is awful. I expected much more from the ppl who gave us the Bear Claw porter.
Tue, Jan 19, 2010 : 10:04 p.m.
Neither this place nor Zingerman's roadhouse come close to Slows in Detroit.
Tue, Jan 19, 2010 : 8:28 p.m.
My wife and I have been to BT several times and have found it to be very good overall, but not great. I'm a NC native and so I'm partial to pork barbecue. The pulled pork at BT is good, but not the same as the Western NC style I grew up eating. In terms of the meat itself BT is not nearly as good as Slow's (Detroit) or Zingerman's RH. The Zing BBQ is better than some I've had IN the state of NC. Unfortunately for me, it's Eastern style which I find to be a bit too hot (spicy). Alas, none of the three has a sauce that is authentic Western NC style. The grits at BT are good, but we were not so fond of the mac & cheese. We really liked the turkey and the beer can chicken (especially the sauce!) The beers I've had at BT are all outstanding. Most everyone will find something to like about BT.
Tue, Jan 19, 2010 : 8:21 p.m.
Ann Arbor hasn't had good BBQ since Jessie Campbell passed away. God, what I wouldn't give for a Soul on a Roll right about now.