Adventures in making drinking chocolatl
Corinna Borden | Contributor
I decided to recreate the first known recipe for hot chocolate in honor of Valentines Day.
And, to be kind, it was a small disaster.
I had collected the proper ingredients: Askinosie cacao nibs, a vanilla bean, chili powder, hazelnuts, almonds, rose petals and sugar. (A cheesy aside, annatto seeds are used often to create the orange color in cheddar.)
My first mistake was not owning an electric spice mill. I tried to feel domestic and historically accurate as I ground the nibs, but after 20 minutes I couldn’t care less about Mayan verisimilitude. Eventually the nibs did transform into a flaky light brown dry paste but the annatto seeds defeated my manual grinding patience so I removed them from the recipe.
After mixing the remaining ingredients I rapidly whisked the mixture as I added hot water.
The flavor was complex and unique. I could taste the vanilla bean I had scraped out of the pods, the bite of the chili, the dark sparkle of the cacao, the nutty meatiness of the nuts, the delicate floral blush of the rose petals. I could taste all of that as long as I continued to stir the mixture continuously as I brought it up to my mouth. If I did not stir, everything separated, and I would drink a mouthful of anorexic water.
Between my Luddite grinding choices and the separation desires of the final mixture - I don’t think I am going to try this experiment again - at least not before I purchase an electric spice mill.
Corinna Borden | Contributor
I know what I will use next time.
Sat, Feb 13, 2010 : 9:11 a.m.
What a great piece for Valentine's Day and for every day, as I am seeking good drinking and eating chocolate. The super link to the Santa Fe chocolate company provided an opportunity to send them a query regarding sweeteners, as I prefer not to consume sugar, corn syrup, or, needless to say, any artificial sweeteners. I look forward to their advice regarding chocolate sweetened with agave syrup or stevia. Thank you, Ms. Borden, and Happy Valentine's Day!