Domino’s unusual new pizza pitchmen deliver the goods
Brandon Solano never set out to be a Domino’s Pizza pitchman. He was content to work behind the scenes, cooking up new recipes in the chain’s test kitchen. Ditto for Domino’s lawyer Scott Mandel, who was doing just fine working outside the spotlight.

Scott Mandel, left, and Brandon Solano.
image courtesy of Domino's
Both are enjoying national exposure these days thanks to a couple of TV ads for locally based Domino's Pizza, including one that’s been running during the Olympics.
“I’ve been on commercial shoots before but never on camera, which is really nerve-wracking,” said Solano, Domino’s vice president of product development. “I was willing to do anything to help make the new and improved pizza successful, including appear in the ad, but it would not have been my first choice.”
In the commercial, Solano proudly proclaims that Domino’s new hand-tossed pepperoni pizza, sausage pizza and extra-cheese pizza bested rival Papa John's in a taste test. “That's not puffery. Our pizzas taste better,” Solano states in the ad, as lawyer Mandel recites the definition of puffery from a book.
Domino’s Pizza commercial: "Papa John’s puffery"
In another ad, titled “At the door of our harshest critics,” Solano and Domino's chef Sam Fauser hit the road to find out what critics thought of the new pizza recipe, which was rolled out with fanfare earlier this year.
Domino’s Pizza commercial: "Harshest critics"
Solano said his appearance in the ad came about after he made a visit to the Colorado office of Domino’s ad agency, Crispin Porter + Boguski. “I flew to Boulder to let them try our new pizza before it was out; I had the sauce with me, the cheese, the whole thing. I wore my Domino’s uniform, I made the new pizza at one of the local stores, and I took it over to the agency and I let them try the old one and I let them try the new one. I told them ‘This is our best pizza ever (so) you guys have to make our best ad ever.’
“I was speaking passionately about how much better our new product was and I think they were inspired. They said ‘You’re the creator, we’re going to put you in it.’”
Solano was skeptical, but eventually agreed to the plan. The shoot was done partly in Ann Arbor and partly in New Orleans.
“I’m not sure putting my face in the ad was the best foot forward, but they’re the professionals, so I trusted them,” Solano, who claims no previous acting experience, said of the ad agency staff.
Thanks to the exposure, Solano has heard from some old pals and gotten plenty of good-natured ribbing, especially at work, even though he’s not the first Domino’s employee to appear in televised commercials.
“As much as they harass me, there’s enough people around the building that have been in them, (so) I don’t get harassed all by myself,” he said. “My kids, they think it’s fun, they love it.”
Mandel, an Ann Arbor native, has no acting in his background, but he's been in the limelight before. “In college I played football at Michigan so I had some experience being in front of 110,000 people,” he recalled.
“I think they needed a straight man ... They came down to the legal department and did an informal screen test. We had to say a few words into an iPhone and they took a video. I think my selection had a lot more to do with the fact I had less hair than anyone else in the department and what little hair I have is grayer than anyone else. It made me look smarter, maybe a little bit more like your typical lawyer.”
Like Solano, he’s been reconnecting with old acquaintances thanks to the exposure.
“Just today I got e-mail from 6 guys who I went to the University of Michigan with I haven’t spoken to in years who saw the commercial. My oldest daughter just turned 11, we had her birthday party a couple of weeks ago, someone turned the Olympics on and all of a sudden my commercial came up. She thought that was pretty cool.”
There’s been one other plus for Solano. Thanks to the commercial, he’s realized a dream, albeit indirectly.
“I played hockey at Grand Valley State and it was my dream to be in the Olympics (and) we ran the spot during the Olympics. I never thought I’d be in an ad in it,” he said.
Neither Solano nor Mandel have plans to ditch Domino's for careers as pitchmen. “It was a fun thing to do but a little distracting from my primary mission,” Solano said.
“If Domino’s came along and said they needed a sequel, I would do it,” Mandel added. “Number 1, it was fun. Number 2, it’s a great to be able to do something to help the company. Being in the legal department, you don’t normally get a chance to help drive sales. It was a nice experience.”
Roger LeLievre is a freelance writer who covers entertainment for
Sun, Feb 28, 2010 : 1:40 p.m.
Just wanted to follow up on my previous posting. Still haven't had the new style pizza, however, Dominos is AWESOME at customer service. Poster "Zoey" and I had a great interchange about the matter, and very soon I'll be able to try the new pies, done right, and for free! I appreciate that Dominos really backs up it's new brand with attention to customer concern - you don't often experience that these days.
Sun, Feb 28, 2010 : 1:17 p.m.
TO ATTICUS F: Can you tell me what Domino's store you call to order Domino's? I am concerned and want to address the problem- can you help? (Owner of the Ann Arbor Domino's)
Sun, Feb 28, 2010 : 8:39 a.m.
PS: (from Domino's Franchisee)..... my email is posted so I can hopefully address any issues anyone in Ann Arbor may have had with any of my Domino's stores. I live in Ann Arbor, and I committed to making and delivering the best pizzas in town..... I want to hear your feedback directly- any Domino's customer can email me at I can only serve my customers better if I receive your feedback!
Sun, Feb 28, 2010 : 8:31 a.m.
I would like to comment on Bryce's comment. I am the owner of the Domino's Pizza stores in Ann Arbor, and I am absolutely embarrassed that your received such poor service and a cold pizza. I can tell you that the success of our new pizza was more successful than what we ever expected, and our stores had to hire people fast to keep up with the business. We deliver over 8,000 pizzas per week in Ann Arbor, and we have made our mistakes, but our team is working hard to make the best pizza in town. We are now at full strength and I want to offer you 2 free pizzas of your choice and I am convinced that you will have a great experience! Our feedback has been tremendous with our changes, and I want to at least ask for just one more chance to deliver you our new Domino's pizza the way we guarantee...... delivered hot and 100% perfect- Please email me at I apologize for your poor experience. Even though we have received unbelievable positive feedback on our changes, I know there will be some who many not like the new bold flavor our pizzas now have... but I don't want our mistake of a late delivery represent our quality changes to our pizza. Please contact me:
Fri, Feb 26, 2010 : 2:20 p.m.
I've had Dominoes twice since the "makeover", and both times I've gotten mixed up orders and lukewarm, mediocre at best pizza that I'm not even sure was any different than the old pizza. The first time trying it I was told that they had "run out of the new medium crusts", whatever that meant - so I assumed they no longer had the new style available. The second time - because I was inspired by the ads and wanted to support them - I verified twice that I was ordering the new pizza that's referred to in all the ads, and I received a pizza over an hour later, that was cold, cardboardy, with the wrong toppings and almost no sauce. I'm still unconvinced that I've ever had the "new" pizza, but I sure would like to try it once Dominos Corporate gets their franchises in line with their new brand. As it is right now, I won't be ordering another pizza from them for at least a year while the bugs get worked out.
Atticus F.
Fri, Feb 26, 2010 : 2:11 p.m.
The "puffery" comercial kind of ticks me off a little. Typical corporate behavior; someone claims their Pizza is the best, so the Dominos corporation needs to take them to court and sue their pants off.