Classic bicycle show returning to Farm Council Grounds

A 1960s Bowden Spacelander valued at $15,000
photo by Paul Kleppert
The 32nd Annual Ann Arbor / Saline Classic Bicycle Show and Swap Meet will host more than 220 dealers. Last year's show included more than 7,000 classic, vintage and collectible bikes.
Among the features of the show:
• Show bikes: Typically, 50 to 75 bicycles are entered into 10 categories and the public votes for its favorites. Awards are presented in such categories as Best Unrestored, Best Lady’s, Best Motorized Bike, and more.
• Classic Bike of the Year Award: Judged event for best restored and best preserved bikes.
• A mini-bike show and swap meet.
• An auction at 11:30 a.m.: Anyone who thinks they may have a valuable or collectible bike can put it on the block for only $10 and let the crowd decide its value. If no one exceeds the owner’s asking price the bike goes back to the owner and they’ll get $5 back. The result is an appraisal from the crowd for $5.
The show takes place 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at the Farm Council Grounds, 5055 Ann Arbor / Saline Road. Admission: $3 admission (kids under 10 free). Parking is free. For more information, see the show's website.
(This story has been revised to correct the date of the event.)
Ron Granger
Thu, Apr 26, 2012 : 3:25 p.m.
Anti-bike couch potatoes should not take this sitting down. They should organize a competing event, where they bring out their classic and retro couches for display. They could even have contests and games, like "find the change in the couch", and "match the cushion indentations to the couch owner".
Morris Thorpe
Thu, Apr 26, 2012 : 2:56 p.m.
Hey, even their website is retro! This looks like a cool event (provided it's not overrun with hipsters and/or people trying to pass off junk as "vintage.")
Thu, Apr 26, 2012 : 2:17 p.m.
Hipsters will have to take off work, oh wait.