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Posted on Wed, Sep 30, 2009 : 2:40 p.m.

Local author Charles E Steele to sign copies of his new book "Discovering God in Science" this Saturday

By Melissa LR Handa

Discovering God in Science

Local author Charles E Steele's new book, "Discovering God in Science"

I always enjoy reading books that are written by local authors. It adds something special to the storyline when you are familiar with the places or the events being described. Also the thought that you may have actually run into the writer somewhere at sometime without knowing can be very exciting. Sometimes, if you are lucky, you may get the chance to meet a much-loved author. Whether you meet him after having completed his work and are able to size up your impression of him to who he actually is or whether you meet him before diving into his story and are able to picture the author’s voice turning dull monotype text into live, dancing words, meeting an author is an experience one does not easily forget.

On Saturday, October 3rd at 4 p.m., an opportunity to meet Canton author Charles E. Steele (who penned “Discovering God in Science” presents itself. You just need to walk, bike, drive or take the bus on over to the Barnes & Nobles bookstore at 3235 Washtenaw in Ann Arbor, and there he will be signing his new book.

Charles E Steele

Charles E Steele adds "author" to the long list of his professional accomplishments, including being awarded 11 US patents and listed in "Whose Who" in the Midwest

Though I personally have not yet had the chance to devour this tome, the topic entices me greatly. Many times the traditional Christian upbringing that my parents gave me seems to clash with my new knowledge-oriented, liberal way of life. The author, who had a similar experience growing up, suggests that science and religion are not mutually exclusive and seeks to help dissolve any cognitive dissonance we may feel surrounding the unity of these two topics. Steele explains on his website, “With the new Discoveries of the past few decades, a new focus has been put on the intersection between Science and Religion. It seems the two are connected at the hip even though both sides wish it weren't so. It is time that both sides recognize that for us humans to understand our place in the Cosmos, we need a cohesive fulfilling explanation of the Universe and Life in harmony from both Science and Religion. My book attempts to bring both sides together.”

A number of scientists are channeled as guides through our journey, the likes of which are Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, George Gamow and many others. Many scientific theories and discoveries are explored such as the Big Bang theory, String theory, other Dimensions of Time and Space, Fine Tuning, the Age of the Universe, Habitable Zones, the Origin of Life, and Intelligent Design—to name a few. Everything leading up to one underlying question: “did the universe and life happen in a natural materialistic way or was it necessary for a creator to start it all?”

On the book’s website, Steele provides a helpful description in answer to the question who should read this book?

• All those wanting to know how the Universe began. • People interested in Astronomy & Cosmology, including Black Holes, White Dwarfs, and Neutron Stars. • Those that want to learn about the latest New Discoveries in Science. • Individuals interested in String Theory and how it suggests there are other Dimensions of Space and Time. • All who question the Age of the Earth and the Age of the Universe. • Every Person who wants to know if there is Life After Death. • Those who wonder if there is a Creator God who made all things. • People interested in the BIG BANG. • Those who wonder if Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is Correct. • Citizens concerned about Global Warming. • Persons wanting to know about Stem Cell Research. • Christians concerned about the Culture War raging in America.

The author provides an incredible wealth of knowledge on his website, including his own personal and professional background and a detailed table of contents. The site also presents three great ways to purchase “Discovering God in Science”, either as a paperback, an audio file or a downloadable PDF.

I hope you will consider learning more about this fascinating topic and turning up in support of our local authors!

Melissa LR Handa is the founder and organizer for the Ann Arbor Classics Book Group and the Lead Books Contributor for If you would like more information or to join the group, please feel free to send an email her way.