Bob Seger a fan-pleaser at hit-filled EMU show

Bob Seger performs at Eastern Michigan University on Wednesday.
Jeff Sainlar |
Related coverage:
• Photos from Bob Seger at the EMU Convocation Center
• Set list from Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band in Ypsilanti
• Concert review: Bob Seger comes home for satisfying show
It was everything you’d expect a homecoming concert by rock icon Bob Seger, one of Ann Arbor’s native sons, to be: loud, at least semi-rowdy (Wednesday, after all, was a work night) and packed with the hits. Seriously, how can you follow up “Mainstreet” with “Old Time Rock and Roll” and not have the crowd go wild?
Seger, 66, who went from his Ann Arbor beginnings in the 1960s to rock royalty in the 1970s, chose the Eastern Michigan Convocation Center in Ypsilanti as the launching pad for the fall tour with his Silver Bullet Band. All in all, he sounded pretty darned good, an accomplishment in itself considering the Convo Center’s sometimes spotty acoustics.
The crowd—not unexpectedly on the older end of the demographic scale—was on its feet more often than not, particularly for the uptempo numbers, clapping along and singing the chorus of old favorites such as “Hollywood Nights,” “We’ve Got Tonight,” “Old Time Rock and Roll,” “Katmandu’ and “Turn the Page.”
Seger even got the jump on the holidays, offering his rendition of “The Little Drummer Boy.”
The only time fans seemed to turn on him was when Seger sent a shout-out to Gov. Rick Snyder and his wife, Sue, who were in attendance. The boos seemed to have the edge, and one audience member could be heard trying to start a “recall Rick” chant. Other than that, it was a performance that seemed to please pretty much everyone.
“He was great—he kept nothing back,” said Bob Rasmussen from Ypsilanti. “He played all the good ones. He rocked out.” His wife, Tammy, agreed: “It was my birthday present,” she said,” and it lived up to expectations and beyond. He still rocks.”
Jeff Weaks, also of Ypsilanti, was delighted with the show as well. “He sounded just as good as back in the day, I was really surprised. And talk about putting on a great show. How many songs can one guy have? And then there’s the songs he didn’t sing.”
“It was awesome; Bob Seger is always awesome,” said Kim Burns of Plymouth, who said she’s seen the rocker eight times. “Even his new stuff is good.”
Derreck Long of West Bloomfield, like many others sporting a Bob Seger concert shirt, was also pleased. “It was wonderful. It was all a high point,” he said after the concert ended.
Even the critics were kind. “He can’t really belt them out the way he used to, but I don’t want to dis Bob,” said Sandy Bradford of Livonia. “I love Bob.”
It has been decades since Seger performed in Washtenaw County. All in all, it seemed that for fans, it was worth the wait.
Sun, Nov 13, 2011 : 4:31 a.m.
Unfortunately, I didn't go (though I wanted to!)...Bob was my first concert back in early '79 at Crisler Arena...absolutely awesome show and wonderful choice for a first concert!!
Sun, Nov 6, 2011 : 2:37 a.m.
The show was the best show Ive seen this year ,must have somthing to do with being in my hometown ! I saw Bob here in the 70's at Bowen fieldhouse ! I have to say even though its been years He still sounds the same !:)
Fri, Nov 4, 2011 : 12:53 p.m.
Dear Enso, ("I guess it's too bad for you we live in a country with a First Amendment.") Not questioning our rights to free speech. But I won't waste my time trying to explain to you the concept of COURTESY and TACT, or similar "free speech" issues such as yelling FIRE in a theater, or BOMB in an airplane.
Fri, Nov 4, 2011 : 12:42 a.m.
What a fun night!!!
Thu, Nov 3, 2011 : 9:01 p.m.
Might be the last time I get to see him and it was the best! If he does come back home next year , I'll be there!! Great show from the front row! The new guitarist was great and All the Silver Bullits sounded sweet!
Thu, Nov 3, 2011 : 5:44 p.m.
My first Seger show and I hope, not my last. Loved how much he puts into every song. Bless his Michigan heart.
Thu, Nov 3, 2011 : 3:13 p.m.
@Fat(cat): And the MAJORITY will hopefully vote him out.
Thu, Nov 3, 2011 : 2:58 p.m.
great show, I think they need to do a little work on the mix or sound system. Bob's voice really only dominated the mix on the piano or acoustic guitar tunes.
Andrew Jason Clock
Thu, Nov 3, 2011 : 1:10 p.m.
It was a great show. One of the best live shows I've ever been to. The energy was amazing. And not to offend Fatkitty by expressing an opinion, but I was curious if Mr. Snyder was enjoying visiting EMU and Ypsilanti, a school and a city facing massive budget shortfalls thanks in large part to his policies regarding state revenue sharing. Nice of him to visit, but wish he would have brought some of that money, that was supposed to be protected by Michigan law, with him. I tried to ask at the end of the show, but he didn't seem to want to stick around.
Thu, Nov 3, 2011 : 3:16 p.m.
I wonder why. Otherwise I heard he is not going to seek re election.
Thu, Nov 3, 2011 : 1:07 p.m.
Watching "Sax" fall down in the begining of the set was priceless.
Thu, Nov 3, 2011 : 1:03 p.m.
Loved it. He was unable to hold notes quite like he did back in the day, but his enthusiasm, popular set list, and very tight Silver Bullet Band all made for a fantastic show. It's clear that Bob knows that the cost of a ticket to his concert is a large expenditure for working people. In turn he worked hard and gave us our money's worth! Also, EMU's Convocation Center is a great venue for rock and roll.
Thu, Nov 3, 2011 : 1:01 p.m.
"The only time fans seemed to turn on him was when Seger sent a shout-out to Gov. Rick Snyder and his wife, Sue, who were in attendance. The boos seemed to have the edge, and one audience member could be heard trying to start a "recall Rick" chant." Geeze Louise. I guess it would have been too much to ask from the audience, upon Seger's recognizing the Governor's presence, to just shut their traps and keep their political opinions/agendas to themselves. I'm sure Seger is used to reactions such as this, but it seems that people forget the man (Snyder) was elected after all, by a MAJORITY vote. Get over it.
Thu, Nov 3, 2011 : 9:33 p.m.
Leave it to the incredibly liberal to post that little jab into the article, which really has nothing to do with anything except push A2.coms agenda of demagoguery.
Thu, Nov 3, 2011 : 1:35 p.m.
I guess it's too bad for you we live in a country with a First Amendment.
Thu, Nov 3, 2011 : 12:35 p.m.
I saw Bob Seger for the first time 30 years ago. (I was 15 OK!!) Loved him then and I love him now. "Come to Papa" and "Little Drummer Boy" were unexpected surprises! Yes, his voice is not quite there but his enthusiasm and love for Michigan is! Besides the crowd sang all of the songs from beginning to end. He just had to get us started! Great show!