A father/daughter team from Ann Arbor will be part of the mix when NBC's weight-loss program "The Biggest Loser" starts its new season next month.
Darrell Hough and Andrea Hough are among 11 2-person teams that will compete to lose the most weight on the show, which begins its new season at 8 p.m. Jan. 5.
As described on the show's web site, "Darrell and Andrea are the fourth and fifth generation to carry on obesity in their family. If ever there was a time to change that, it is now. As great friends, this father and daughter team will show their ability to carry each other when times get hard and laugh at/with each other when necessary."
Darrell, 46 and 5 feet 10 inches, is a press operator/mechanic. His
profile page reads, "Although Darrell wants to live life to its fullest, his weight keeps him from doing this. Darrell has always been the largest in his family. As a child, when grandma came to visit, Darrell had no problem eating dozens of her delicious cookies. This habit has continued throughout his adult life. He has never been one to give up, but has tried every diet and exercise routine and he never seems to be able to stick with it. Darrell hopes to reclaim the years and quality of life that obesity has taken from him. He has been living behind the weight far too long and is ready to overcome and conquer this food addiction."
Daughter Andrea, age 24 and 5 feet 7 inches, works as an executive assistant. According to her
profile page, "Andrea has always been overweight, but did not start gaining weight consistently until after high school. Andrea played competitive sports all her life and now coaches softball. Family means everything to Andrea. However, at every family event, there is an enormous amount of food — it is how her family shows their love. Andrea is ready to show people that health matters. She has never been able to lose the weight on her own, but is finally ready to take the bull by the horns and shed the weight."
AnnArbor.com will follow Darrell and Andrea's progress once the show begins.
This area has seen several people appear on "The Biggest Loser." Pete Thomas of Ypsilanti, who won $100,000 on the show's second season, was recently featured on an update special.
Fri, Dec 18, 2009 : 12:03 p.m.
Thank you, Tony, for keeping this a clean and encouraging area! I am very proud of Darrell and Andrea! They have a long road ahead of them, with much work to do. But they are going about it the right way. "Learning a new way of life" is a great way to describe what they, and the other contestants, are doing. It is a life changing choice. Those who are in it just for the "game" aspect, usually end up gaining their weight back. Those who go, expecting to change their lives with learning a new way of eating and to be motivated to exercise, end up keeping most of the weight off. God's blessing to all of them! Please remember, we do not know what the reasons are that put these people on the ranch, but our hope for them should be that they succeed.
Thu, Dec 17, 2009 : 6:41 a.m.
How could anyone who had gastric bypass say "I took the easy route"?
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 3:55 p.m.
@ Macabre Sunset - I think I read somewhere that 50% of the contestants keep the weight off, which impressed me tremendously.
Mary Bilyeu
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 2:38 p.m.
I wish Darrell and Andrea the very best of luck!!! They are looking at a complete overhauling of their lifestyle, and they have the courage to do it publicly, no less, despite the risk of judgements which are both unfair and unkind....
Macabre Sunset
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 1:28 p.m.
Has this show been going on long enough to study how much weight former participants regain? I hope the show's contract includes follow-up medical care and advice long after filming ends. Losing weight like these people do is quite dangerous.
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 12:44 p.m.
I wish them well and encourage them to view the experience as a chance to start down a more-healthful path in life. It's an ongoing journey, not a 6-week TV show. The things I've read recently suggest that some participants in these programs take dangerous shortcuts in an effort to win cash. They need to take care of themselves during the taping of the show and learn as much as they can about living in a new way that will give them the tools to be healthy for a lifetime.
Guinea Pig in a Tophat
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 12:29 p.m.
Good luck to Darrell and Andrea! You can do it!
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 11:35 a.m.
So cynical? Congrats to these people believing they can have a different life where they have control of food. The show is inspiring and I hope they'll be role models for our community! Good luck on your journey.
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 11:18 a.m.
i thought the title of the program was about the viewers, not the participants....
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 11:14 a.m.
For those who want additional information on this TV show, you can read up here. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/25/business/media/25loser.html There is a lot more than just working hard at work here. There are reasons medical professionals don't suggest you loose more than 1-2 pounds a week. Because anything else, and you can seriously damage your body! There is no quick fix to weight loss. NONE. Only change in lifestyle, exercise, and proper help and advice from a physician. There are other cases that may require more drastic actions, but those are informed decisions, made on an individual basis. The biggest loser is ENTERTAINMENT. NOT a weight loss program. Don't forget that when you watch.
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 10:57 a.m.
I for one, say "Go for it". If you have ever watched this show, these people work their butts off to lose the weight. I took the easy route and had a gastric bypass. I respect them for wanting to workout and learn a new way of life. This is not an easy way out by and means. This show has inspired people. A majority of the population is overweight, it is a lifestyle issue. It is easier to sit and watch TV than workout and easier to drive than walk. If this works for them-more power to them. I would have exercised if I had someone on my back yelling at me to keep going. I would have eaten better if I had someone to cook for me and teach me how to make sensible choices. Some people needs this, some don't. It is easy to sit back and critisize. "Walk a mile in my shoes" and see how it is on my side of the scales. Good luck to them and best wishes.