Biggest Loser update: Olympic challenges, Olympian inspirations
Note: Contains spoiler info. At the United States Olympic Training Center in Colorado, the competitors learn they are now competing as individuals, not teams. And two players will be eliminated.
The competitors learn they will be training with two Olympic athletes, freestyle skier Speedy Peterson and skiing gold-medalist Julia Mancuso, who set up a circuit training system. And Olympian J.R. Celski visits to tell the group about the importance of perseverance.
On a slide-board challenge, a fall by Melissa lets Sam take the "gold"; Melissa ends up with the silver, and Sunshine takes the bronze.
Biathlon skier Kelly Underkofler, born with only one arm, talks to the competitors about overcoming challenges, and then it's time for the "Biggest Loser" biathlon: Running for BB guns and shooting at names of the competitors — five hits and you're gone. The winner gets immunity, and Darrell Hough — one of the contestants from Ann Arbor, along with his daughter, Andrea — came close but ultimately finished second to O'Neal.
Back in California, U.S. Pairs Skating Champion Rockne Brubaker trains the players in a fitness boot camp.

But the show leaves us hanging. The result of the torch challenge won't be shown until the next episode — and that won't come until after the Winter Olympics are over. NBC will broadcast the winter games for two weeks starting Friday.