Ann Arbor Open students Devon Nelson, 11, and Cory Cameron, 12, hand out pie at Liberty Plaza on Wednesday afternoon.
Melanie Maxwell |
OccuPIE Wednesday—a local effort to spread a message of sharing that's been
taking place each week at Ann Arbor's Liberty Plaza—today got some local kids in on the act.
Melanie Maxwell |
OccuPIE creator Sarah Fertig, who came up with the idea to serve free homemade pie once a week, went to
Ann Arbor Open at Mack School on Wednesday and baked pies with the students there. Then, she and the students began a major pie distribution.
For more on the OccuPIE Wednesday effort, see the Facebook page or previous coverage on
Ann Arbor Open student Allison McCarthy, 10, waits as Sarah Fertig serves up a piece of pie for McCarthy to hand out at Liberty Plaza on Wednesday afternoon.
Melanie Maxwell |
Jonathan Blutarsky
Thu, Nov 15, 2012 : 4:39 a.m.
"I have a pie. I just baked it and I'm really proud of it. It looks delicious. But even though I bought the ingredients and baked it myself, I don't really consider it "my" pie. "You see, I wasn't born knowing how to bake pies — someone had to teach me. I didn't make the pie out of my own apples or wheat or butter. Someone had to plant a tree, sow a field, milk a cow. Someone had to harvest the crops and process the milk. Someone had to transport the crops to a grocery store so I could buy them. And someone had to lay the roads and maintain the trucks and build the grocery store and operate the cash register. Someone had to install wires so I could have electricity in my house to see the ingredients and bake the pie. "So even though I put the final product together, untold millions of people have helped make this pie possible. That's why I'm happy to share it with ANYONE who has less pie or no pie. And all I ask in return is that if I'm sharing the pie I made with you, please try to learn how to bake pies yourself, so that someday you too may share pie with someone who has less." Yes indeed a "chilling indoctrination of our young" to be responsible members of society. Darn those no good do gooders! (Get a grip Real Life)
Real Life
Thu, Nov 15, 2012 : 12:22 a.m.
Our family supports caring for the homeless, volunteering at the Delonis Center, for example. But "OccuPIE" strikes me as more than charity, but a form of chilling indoctrination of our young. Is there anything more hateful and self-serving than the Occupy movement? I'm concerned that this effort may be taken as support for this destructive "movement". Let's help the homeless, but not conflate it with an Andy Stern/Richard Trumpka manufacturing of astroturf.
Thu, Nov 15, 2012 : 2:25 p.m.
if I could vote you down a million times I would.
Thu, Nov 15, 2012 : 2:25 p.m.
Real Life, how can you criticize this?! Sarah Fertig, a real lady who I am proud to know, is doing this with absolutely NO ulterior motives, out of the kindness of her heart. and yet all you can do is belittle and condemn. before calling anyone hateful and self-serving you might take a look in the mirror.
Ron Granger
Wed, Nov 14, 2012 : 10:57 p.m.
Sarah Fertig is awesome.