Free 5:01 Jazz Series returning to Goodnite Gracie this week
The series is sponsored by WEMU (89.1-FM), the jazz and blues public-radio station at Eastern Michigan University. It is named for the late Jan Winkelman, a longtime supporter of WEMU.
The concerts feature a relaxed, after-work vibe. (5:01 is the start time.) Most, though not all, of the shows are on the first Friday of the month.
Concertgoers will have the chance to rate the bands that play, with the top three acts getting an additional showcase to close out the series.
The full lineup:
• Sept. 11: RJ Spangler Trio• Oct. 2: The Keller/Kocher Quartet
• Nov. 6: The Royal Garden Trio
• Dec. 4: Hal Davis and Hi Def
• Jan. 8: Los Gatos
• Feb. 5: Chris Codish Trio
• March 5: Dobbins, Krahnke and Weed
• April 2: Organissimo
• May 7: Winners' showcase
Bob Needham is director of entertainment content for Reach him at or 734-623-2541, and follow him on Twitter @bobneedham.
Photo of Organissimo courtesy Mark Sheldon.