The last picture show: Briarwood Dollar Movies to be replaced by new, unnamed tenant

Briarwood Dollar Movies 4 closed its doors for good Sunday night. The general manager of Briarwood Mall said a new tenant has been found and she said she expects the new tenant to move in later this year.
Melanie Maxwell |
But it wasn’t because of poor business, said Alan Teicher, owner of Teicher Theaters, the small Ohio theater chain that operated four-screen Briarwood Dollar Movies.
“We’ve been doing excellent there,” he said. Teicher said he was asked to leave to make way for a new tenant.
“We knew when we started five years ago that it was temporary and that we didn’t pay the full amount for rent,” Teicher said. “They found someone else to move in.”
Ida Hendrix, general manager of Briarwood Mall, said a new tenant has been found, that it’s not a movie house and the name could not yet be released. The space will be renovated and Hendrix said she expects the new tenant to move in later this year. She would not release details of the lease agreement with Teicher.
“He ran a discount operation and we structured a lease agreement around that,” Hendrix said. “We were in a position to take the lease back from him. The new tenant will be an improved use for the shopping center. Also, it will be better economically for the shopping center.”
Hendrix said it’s the end of movies at Briarwood.

Briarwood Dollar Movies brought in 5,000 people some weeks, according to the theater's owner.
Melanie Maxwell |
“Once and for all, there will be no movies at Briarwood. It’s become a tough market for movie theaters,” she said.
While Teicher said he wasn’t in a position to handle more expensive lease terms, Briarwood Dollar Movies was good for the mall, bringing in 5,000 people some weeks, many who would shop and eat at the mall. Briarwood was the top money-maker of his eight locations. Teicher also has theaters in Ohio, Indiana and Florida.
While he said he would like to find another location in Ann Arbor, there are no vacant movie theaters. “What are you going to do?” he said.
Except for a couple of lapses, movies have been part of Briarwood Mall since it opened in 1973. United Artist first-run movies was a longtime tenant, but eventually closed. Madstone Theater took its place in 2002, showing art films, but closed two years later.
When Madstone left, Teicher Theaters moved in with discount films for $1 and even experimented with 50-cent movies. When they closed Sunday night, matinees cost $1, evenings were $1.75 and weekends were $2.
Sun, Jul 18, 2010 : 4:14 p.m.
I will miss the Briarwood Dollar Movies. I would take my son, 2 nephews and 1 neice for $2 when it was.50 cents. I have to pay $40 for an outing to the movie if I take them to a newer theatre ( not including snacks and my own admission). Yes there are big TV's at home, but some of us like to get the kids out of the house. Yes I can pay full price, but I would rather not. Yes, the bathrooms were awful, just go at home before you come. Yes the popcorn was awful, sneak some of your own in and don't eat that nasty stuff. Yes, the seats were horrible......I got nothing for that, because I did got poked real bad one time and the kids did try out some seats and yell "ouch, all the seats hurt". Not the point. My point is that I will miss the cheap outing which I participated in quite often. The cleansiness was honestly starting to really bug me, but I was sending a prayer to God that the theatre would do something soon about that. I was stunned when I tried to search for movies and saw none were playing there. I was super sad at first, but I hate to agree with the fact that it was a dirty place to be. Reading the other comments has given good insight into why it's gone and also makes me look at it at face value. Thanks everyone for your insight regarding the closing of the movie theatre.
Fri, Jul 16, 2010 : 1:10 p.m.
Too bad. I remember seeing one of the classics (in a bad way) of modern cinema, M. Night Shamalyan's "The Happening" at this facility, which was a fitting environment for a screening. I will remember the overwhelming crapulence of that evening fondly for quite some time I suspect.
I Eubank
Sun, Jul 11, 2010 : 8:14 p.m.
While the theater was not in the best condition, you got what you paid for. I actually did not mind the broken seats in exchange for paying such a small fraction of the cost that other theaters charge now. If you went with only a few people it was cheaper then even renting a newly released movie. The Dollar Theater was the main reason my husband and I go to Briarwood so I doubt we will be returning there anytime soon. Its disappointing to hear they will be replacing something as fun as the theater was with a sporting goods store. We actually had many of our out of town friends comment about how they wished they had a dollar theater near them. I guess all we can do is hope Teicher Theaters is able to find another location in/near Ann Arbor!
Wed, Jul 7, 2010 : 5:22 p.m.
Oh yeah, another sporting goods storefront that will just be abandoned in a few years. Shop's cheaper and more economical. Management, you're totally clueless on this one.
Mon, Jul 5, 2010 : 9:37 p.m.
Movies are a drag anywhere. Bright lighted texting, loud talking, goofing around and general NON MOVIE WATCHING seems to be the style even in the theaters where you pay 10 bucks. All this crummy stuff runs the gamut-- kids and old ladies texting through the whole movie???? I've seen it all! A mild person taken to the depths of my worst chair kicking behavior trying to get people to watch the stinkin' movie and shut the heck up! Is that too much to ask? Apparently others feel the same way as I got a standing ovation for an altercation I had over one teen group's rude behavior. The kids walked out after the audience clapped. One in the group apologized for the behavior of his friends (a very nice guy) and I had several offers for bodyguards if anyone tried to start a rumble outside. Pay per view, library and Netflix are my solution. I just wonder why kids spend time in movie theaters texting when they could be trying to talk older people into buying them booze outside the party store? Have they no shame?;)
Mon, Jul 5, 2010 : 12:09 p.m.
I am REALLY miss going especially during the summer time where else can you go for day in the air-condtioner for a few dollars?? Plus my hubby and I work opposite shifts so by the time we get to see the movie we wanted it was already at the dollar movies!!
Sun, Jul 4, 2010 : 11:22 a.m.
I only just found out about this after searching for a movie to go to on my first day off in weeks. Much sadness here, both for losing a cheap movie option (and apparently the one in Wayne is doing first-run movies now, I don't even know where the nearest dollar theater is now) and for the loss of the place where I first saw Star Wars and Rocky Horror and so many others.
Sun, Jul 4, 2010 : 11:19 a.m.
I only just found out about this after searching for a movie to go to on my first day off in weeks. Much sadness here, both for losing a cheap movie option (and apparently the one in Wayne is doing first-run movies now, I don't even know where the nearest dollar theater is now) and for the loss of the place where I first saw Star Wars and Rocky Horror and so many others.
Sun, Jul 4, 2010 : 11:05 a.m.
I only just found out about this after searching for a movie to go to on my first day off in weeks. Much sadness here, both for losing a cheap movie option (and apparently the one in Wayne is doing first-run movies now, I don't even know where the nearest dollar theater is now) and for the loss of the place where I first saw Star Wars and Rocky Horror and so many others.
Patrick Haggood
Thu, Jul 1, 2010 : 5:48 p.m.
Wow, what a farewell; we just happened to have a free Friday night last week so we went to see "How to train your dragon", we all enjoyed it together for less than one of us could have seen it at Showcase. I don't go out to movies very often due to the cost, with them gone it's going to be Netflix and the library from now on.
Wed, Jun 30, 2010 : 4:33 p.m.
If you sign up for the frequent movie goers card at quality 16 or canton cinema you can get some good discounts. I think canton cinema might be cheaper than quality 16. Not sure though. It's not $1 so we can't afford to go nearly as often, but between 4 and 6 (at canton cinema) everyday they have movies for 4.50 and then if you have the card you get an extra discount. They are relatively clean and have discounts on snacks too. They have a special that is something like $4 for large popcorn and drink which is great compared to showcase where you pay $4 for a small popcorn probably. My husband and I usually share and then we get refills on the pop and have even been sneaked free refills on popcorn (normally.50) because we were the only ones there. That's the other fun thing, my husband and I usually go on a Monday and end up with the whole theater to ourselves. Clean, fun, and the cheapest movie date we've found besides briarwood.
Wed, Jun 30, 2010 : 3:04 p.m.
Dick's last I remember Dick's is looking at Pittsfield township (Lohr rd) instead of Briarwood: and MC Sports will be moving from Oak Valley to Briarwood:
Wed, Jun 30, 2010 : 2:11 p.m.
Way back then, I was one of those adults. Yes, Chris, years ago you and your mall-denizen teen companions did occasionally annoy us older 20-somethings, already set in our aging, stodgy ways. Periodically, you'd convince us to give up on UA Briarwood and retreat back downtown to the Fifth Forum. And don't get me started on your friends' bad 80s haircuts!
Wed, Jun 30, 2010 : 9:30 a.m.
Funny to read comments about the teens at the mall. I would wager adults thought the same things about many of us when we were at Briarwood catching movies or hanging out back in the 70s and 80s.
Eric Miller
Wed, Jun 30, 2010 : 9:12 a.m.
For the price and convenience I was able to completely ignore any downsides to the place and focus on seeing a movie on a big screen. I missed the Fox theater when it closed, and I'll miss Briarwood. Cheap movies on a big screen is a good thing for families on a tight budget.
Wed, Jun 30, 2010 : 9 a.m.
I am devastated! The Dollar Theater has a huge part of my life. Can't believe it's gone! =C
Wed, Jun 30, 2010 : 8:08 a.m.
I'm amazed how many positive comments there are on this theater - we were just there a few weeks ago and it was horrible. Our shoes stuck to everything, the seats were void of any cushioning (we tried many) and the projector quality was so, so poor - nearly left in the middle of Hot Tub Time Machine because we couldn't see the movie. It says a lot if someone considers giving up a $2 movie!!! If Quality 16 takes good care of their facility it will be rewarded, but judging by the number of outrageously large TVs we see around town, it may be a forgotten art in time.
Wed, Jun 30, 2010 : 7:51 a.m.
The last time I went there (and I mean the Last Time) I couldn't tell what color the carpet was until I looked at the very edge near the wall. Half the seats were sprung or broken and the floors were sticky. It was so dirty I was afraid to lean back in my seat for fear of picking up little riders in my hair. And there was no way I was going to use the bathroom. of using the bathroom. I asked the ticket seller how they could run the place on only a dollar per person and she said from the concessions. They obviously didn't use any of the money for cleaning or maintenance services! Disgraceful.
Lisa Bashert
Wed, Jun 30, 2010 : 7:51 a.m.
I am not sad to see this place go. Actually, we've been there but every time it's a possibility, I envision the teens, tacky floors, terrible bathrooms, torn seats, etc., and usually choose someplace else. The State-Wayne in Westland is not far from us and is a much nicer experience. What Ypsi needs is a nice locally owned theater. So tired of the strip club in what used to be the Martha Washington theater. Something walkable would be so choice for downtown Ypsilanti.
Wed, Jun 30, 2010 : 7:20 a.m.
@Ben - Here's a link to a dollar theater in Warren, which I'd consider to be part of metro Detroit:
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 4:44 p.m.
I'm honestly not surprised at all that the theater had to close down. Let's not pretend like this place wasn't an absolute dump. As a few commenters pointed out, it was falling apart. Not only did Teicher not pay the full lease amount, he apparently put absolutely no money back into the facility. It was pretty obvious that it was not going to last forever. Yes, we were caught off guard with this, and it's too bad; don't get me wrong, I did like going there. But unfortunately, it's the way the theater industry is now. Second-run theaters don't last. I moved to this area from Metro Detroit last year, and I was surprised there was a dollar theater in Briarwood. We don't HAVE second-run theaters in Metro Detroit anymore. The historical element of this is sadder, really. Briarwood's theater is finally gone. I mean, the place was completely deteriorating, but it WAS still the original movie theater in Briarwood. I can only imagine how great it must have been in the beginning, when it was United Artists, screening Star Wars. Simon seems completely ridiculous charging that much money for a full lease. But I guess, sadly, they get away with it. I mean, considering the current economy, Briarwood is doing surprisingly well, and it's just a dated, typical older mall with no real attractions. There are some old malls in the country that have had to close completely. My friend that lives near Akron, OH told me of one that closed down there. Who knows what will happen in the near future in this state, though.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 3:22 p.m.
Hans, thanks for your comment. I shop your store on Plymouth, but was glad when you had a location closer to my home, well, at least for a bit. Now I know what went down.
Mumbambu, Esq.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 2:58 p.m.
Well they didn't remain unnamed for long. Welcome MC...ugh. I would have preferred Dicks.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 2:17 p.m.
I also seen a lot of movies there as a kid. Seen Star Wars there 20 times or more when it was first released, before we had the option of waiting for movies to come out on DVD or cable. Seen Raiders of the lost arc, ET, the next two Star Wars movies, etc. Then as a teenager, we used to go to the midnight movies there every weekend for a while and see the Rocky Horror Picture show for something to do. After those days I just haven't been a big theater movie goer. I guess I always assumed it would be there. Guess not.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 2:12 p.m.
This is very sad for me. I could bring my two kids to a movie for three bucks. Maybe if I splurged I would buy them the kids combo for another three each. This was one place that I felt I was getting a deal and not getting ripped off. Plus if there was a noisy baby or a group of talkers, I didn't care. I only paid three bucks! The movie theater was my last reason to go to the Briarwood Mall. There are easier and cheaper places to go that also don't have those obnoxious, aggressive, kiosk people that are always shoving cell phones or perfume samples in my face.
sun runner
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 2 p.m.
Isn't the concept of "the mall" as a Place To Be kind of past its prime? When I was a teen in the late 80s and early 90s, that was what you did on a weekend: you went to the mall with your friends (being dropped off and picked up by parents, of course). Several hours of wandering around and an extended stay in Claire's trying on jewelry later, you were ready to leave. I hate the mall, any mall, these days. The only store I ever wanted to go to Briarwood for closed a couple of years ago and now I have reason to go there at all. Whenever I do (under duress), I have to duck and cover from those IRRITATING kiosk people and dodge large slow-moving groups of loud teenagers and U of M students yammering on cell phones. Who needs any of that? The Internet is a much more pleasant shopping experience, and I don't even have to leave my house to find 1,000 times as many goods as are available at the mall.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 1:53 p.m.
"@Ricebrnr, @Lokalisierung - Here's the Teicher Theaters web site:" This shows me how Dollar theaters do in other states...thanks?
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 1:44 p.m.
Was in reference to cheap theaters in general...but here they had a discounteed lease, which means they weren't paying as much money as another tenant would. Now if they were making as much money as other places to afford a non discounted lease, perhaps they wouldn't have not been asked to make way for another tenant. Of course I admit there are some assumptions there, but we're both making some assupmtions here. "That does not equal they made no money and therfore went out of business." Agreed. It means they (likely) cannot generate the kind of money a sporting goods store can. Who can sell 1 football and make as much profit as selling some 10-20-30 tickets into a movie. Tree Town Toys... "need to pay $22,000 per month to move to a 'permanent' lease, plus a percentage of our sales." That is just insane. 22K a month...good lord.
Paula Gardner
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 1:37 p.m.
Here's a story from late 2009 that details how Briarwood fits in the regional shopping landscape:
Hans Masing
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 1:27 p.m.
When our store (Tree Town Toys) had a location in the mall, we discussed going to a 'permanent' lease with Simon. The leasing agent in Dallas (not a local person) indicated that we would need to pay $22,000 per month to move to a 'permanent' lease, plus a percentage of our sales. I laughed in his ear, and said no thanks, and asked him if they were intentionally trying to make all their malls generic with exactly the same tenants, of if they wanted to actually impart a local flavor at all. They booted us for a 'permanent' tenant a few months later. Now you have another place to buy T-Shirts and Blue Jeans at Briarwood. Awesome!
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 1:06 p.m.
"becasue they make no money and then they close. " They were asked to close to make way for another tenant. The mall decided they wanted someone who could pay higher rent rates. That does not equal they made no money and therfore went out of business.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 1:02 p.m.
"The business was doing fine under the "discounted" lease arrangements." Business = discount is less money that non-discounted. It's not that complicated.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 12:44 p.m.
@Lokalisierung, Weve been doing excellent there, he said. Teicher said he was asked to leave to make way for a new tenant. The business was doing fine under the "discounted" lease arrangements. The premise for your argument in this case is incorrect.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 12:29 p.m.
Ha ha...boycott Briarwood? What a joke. This theater was awful. The place was a dump, only 4 theaters, easily the worst seats I've ever sat in, stale & warm inside...etc etc. I worked there in the UA 7 theater days and it was good, but times change. People don't just stroll through the mall and happen upon a movie as much as in the 80s. A movie theater has to be a destination for a lot of peole to pay for the huge amount of area it takes up, and when you only have 4 theaters, and you only charge a dollar, it's pretty easy to see your future. Why don't you all go to all the other dollar theaters in town? Becassue there aren't any, becasue they make no money and then they close. I appreciate it was a cheap theater, I appreciate they tried to make it work, but it's simple business so stop crying about it.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 12:23 p.m.
Within six months, Simon has pushed Bennigan's and Briarwood Movies out of their spaces. If it's MC Sports, that will be worse than replacing Bennigan's with Red Robin. I wouldn't mind Dick's as much, but I believe this change is very shortsighted.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 12:17 p.m.
Briarwood boycott anyone? Seems like it would be pretty easy, since there aren't that many of us (at least among those commenting) who go there for anything but to see a movie. I just don't understand why the GM at Briarwood seems almost joyful at the prospect that there will no longer be a movie theater there. Now to find an online petition site...
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 12:07 p.m.
I remember when Briarwood opened. It was a wonderful place to shop; a quiet, elegant fairyland of retail. My son and I saw Star Wars at the Briarwood Movies - 28 times. It became a Sunday afternoon ritual. Now, it's become a poor imitation of a Middle Eastern bazaar: loud, crowded and unwelcoming. I've learned which entrance to duck into to get to the one or two places I actually frequent, then make a quick escape without going into the main areas. It's truly sad that a person has to "gird one's loins" before entering that madhouse. If this is management's idea of how to run a "destination shopping experience," which is what I've heard they're trying for, they need new management. And sound-absorbing acoustic tiles.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 11:40 a.m.
Yep, saw many a film at the UA theater in the 1980s - is a good memory. Briarwood is in dire need of a complete remodel: horrific layout, too many stores selling the same items, website is beyond terrible, Von Maur is decent - but lacks the selection of the other locations (can be said for Macy's as well...they stock next-to-nothing that isn't the cheap/craptastic Macy's brands like as INC or Charter Club.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 11:29 a.m.
It had turned into such a dump. We went on Sunday and the roof was leaking with buckets all over the hall to the filthy bathrooms, to catch the rain. No towels or soap in the bathrooms. We vowed we would not go again - guess we won't for sure now.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 11:22 a.m.
"I guess I have to believe it will because obviously this decision was about money, not giving a rat's rear-end about something people obviously loved." Yeah, it's a business, in a large collection of businesses, so it's probably about money, that being the cornerstone of business.
Britain W.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 11:13 a.m.
The suggestions of other lovely cheap theaters are nice, but by the time you get done driving to another county, it's not quite the cost savings the Briarwood Dollar Movies were. Maybe this would be a good time to get behind Mark Maynard and Cycle Powered Cinema.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 11:05 a.m.
Funny memory of this place... Wife and I went to see Star Trek last year at this theater. Women in front of us in line was not aware it was a discount theater and was also not aware it was 50 cent night. She tried to pay with a credit card because she had no cash. Theater would not allow a CC purchase for just 50 cents so we "sprang" for her ticket. I agree with the other comments about the street vendors in this mall. Horrible shopping experience with people shoving useless stuff in your face. Reminds me of Tijuana.
Patricia Hall
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 11:02 a.m.
Quality 16 is just as good a deal- if you sign up for the free member card- you'll get discounts on movies after just 2 weeks- and huge discounts on popcorn and soda. In comparison, it is just about the same as Bwood but you see a newer movie.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 10:56 a.m.
I don't do Briarwood either. I do remember Rocky Horror and when I worked at the mall in the early 80's. The people who worked there were great. I guess I am doomed to watch PPV or go to the library. Briarwood Mall is very pricey. I do go to Sears in Westland or Penneys in Canton. Actually the Penneys in Canton is much nicer. I guess the 5,000 extra people will take their biz somewhere else. But yes, the movie house will be missed. There is no way I can afford a $12 regular ticket.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 10:30 a.m.
Welp, this now means I have absolutely no reason to go Briarwood Mall ever now...(with its overpriced stores that cater exclusively to teens and rich old retired broads with disposable income). RIP movies at the mall. I saw the original Star wars in that theater.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 10:25 a.m.
That is a shame my family would go to the movies almost every week at the mall. We would also get hair cuts, get food and spend money in the stores. Now there is no reason to go to that mall. I can spend my money at other places and save since the mall stores are over priced anyway.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 10:15 a.m.
I thought Dick's was building a new store in Pittsfeild Twp
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 10:15 a.m.
I didn't even know we had a $1 movie place, dang it! (shows how often I have been to that dump of a mall the last five years....I guess I have been "buying local")
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 10:08 a.m.
HATE those kiosk vendors. Talk about killing a shopping experience.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 9:48 a.m.
So very sad that's the only place I could afford to go and if they are replacing it with a Dicks or MC sports it's ever worse, I know that the only reason I used to go to that mall was for the movies or during the winter to let my child get some energy out on the play area, some sporting goods store is not going to get me to come to that mall, I would much rather take the drive out to Novi and spend the day over at 12 oaks and go to a movie over there that doesn't cost $20 just for a ticket.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 9:48 a.m.
I agree with the earlier comment that Briarwood management is problematic. When they took over the mall, they immediately got rid of the free strollers (so that they could charge $5 per stroller) and brought in many more of those incredibly annoying kiosk vendors that shout out as you try to walk through the mall. The retail choices management have made make clear that they are pursuing teenage customers over all else. It is no longer a decent experience to go there, and with the movies gone, I see little reason to visit at all.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 9:42 a.m.
The "full rent" must be outrageous for this space. I find it hard to believe that a new tenant will make up for the foot traffic generated by the theater. I guess I have to believe it will because obviously this decision was about money, not giving a rat's rear-end about something people obviously loved. And poor Mr. Teicher, who was making a seemingly impossible business model work. @flexorz - I agree. As malls go, Briarwood is a dump. It's boring, to say the least. Can't stand the place. I rarely go there at all, and I work across the street!
Out soon
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 9:12 a.m.
This is sad. I got used to shopping at Westland mall over the years, but with the movie theatre there it became so much more convienent to shop there and see a movie at a good price. So fopr the past few years have been shopping at Briarwood. Back to Westland I go.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 8:32 a.m.
Sigh. I used to take my daughter to the dollar movies so she could watch her favs for the second (or third) time. The screens/projectors/films were typically damaged - the last time pink bubbly things appeared on the screen over the movie for about 10 minutes! - but if you could accept the low quality then it was a real bargain. Guess we'll have to check out some of the other suggestions made here. And I agree that Briarwood management has holes in their heads; any venture that brought that much traffic into the mall was a win/win, whether they recognized it as such or not.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 8:16 a.m.
Dick's Sporting goods is going in there.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 8:15 a.m.
If the theater does return, I hope they remodel the place. While I fondly recall the days of the midnight Rocky Horror and Heavy Metal movies. I do not miss the claustrophobia inducing theaters; too small!
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 8:07 a.m.
Yep - this is just another reason to avoid Briarwood. I can't wait to hear who is going in in their stead. Let us not forget about downtown theatres though - go to the Michigan and to the State!
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 8:06 a.m.
The're replacing it with an MC Sports. Real Smart one there. "economically for the shopping center. higher rent FOR Simon malls definitely not 5000 foot traffic. Ida Hendrix has been quoted before saying that they have a low turnover rate there. That's because there are no tenants in the first place. Off to go update yelp.
Phil Dokas
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 8:06 a.m.
Dont worry, if historys any indicator then a theater will be back there in five years.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 7:53 a.m.
This is too bad. Briarwood Dollar Movies was a great bargain for both the movies and the price of popcorn/pop. I refuse to pay $9.50 to go see movies at Showcase. I will stick to Redbox or the library.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 7:51 a.m.
And the State Wayne in Wayne is a decent theater, too. The glowing dragon mural thingy in one of the theaters is pretty cool!
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 7:51 a.m.
Briarwood Movies was an important fixture for us Ann Arborites who grew up in the '70s. As a preteen and teen, I saw some first-run classics there; "Star Wars," "Romancing the Stone," and my first real PG movie, "A Star is Born." If we were with our parents, we might have gotten a special treat at Farrell's restaurant after the movie. If it was just us kids, it was usually Arby's. Back then, I think we paid just 50 cents to take "Dial-A-Ride" to Briarwood, which would pick you up at your house within 30 minutes. I moved to California for 20 years, came back, and found it a bit sad the theater had aged so much. But, all things run their course. There will always be fun childhood memories of Briarwood Movies!
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 7:47 a.m.
The Penn Theater in downtown Plymouth offers both new and old films every weekend for $3 per person.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 7:47 a.m.
Briarwood Mall keeps finding ways to make itself worse and worse. It's already a joke of a mall - and forcing the theater to close is just another example (like forcing Tree Town Toys out, for yet another clothing store) of how management doesn't have a clue.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 7:27 a.m.
Seems like an opportunity for someone. Yes, movie projection is more high-tech than it used to be, but it's not laser surgery. Plenty of empty commercial space!
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 6:53 a.m.
There is an excellent movie theater in Clinton, about 11 miles west of Saline, that shows movies for $3. Last weekend the Clinton Theater played "Letters to Juliet" and I believe that this weekend is "Karate Kid". I expect that they will soon get "Toy Story 3". The organic Eden foods popcorn is delicious and the theater is family owned and operated (remember Frank Allison and the Odd Sox, an Ann Arbor band from back in the day? Frank is one of the owners). So, take a ride in the country and check out the Clinton Theater right downtown on Michigan Ave!
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 6:31 a.m.
I arrived in Ann Arbor in the spring of 1974. Briarwood was new, ultramodern, and the exciting destination place for Ann Arbor. The Movies at Briarwood was the best place to see movies in town. It outshown every other theater. Briarwood was new, multi-screen, had great sound, wonderful parking, and you could eat at a restaurant before or after the film without going outside. It was the death of the other three movie houses. I loved it. The Michigan was derelict, the State was dowdy, the South University Theater auditorium was undecorated (it looked like the inside of a warehouse), and the Fifth Street Theater was an art house, showing European dramas. All were *one* screen. (I know nothing about Fox Village Theaters. I did not go there until the late 80s.) But when Showcase Cinemas opened I started going there, and never thought of Briarwood again. Now that it is finally dead, I remember fondly the wonderful times I had there many years ago.
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 5:58 a.m.
We have a family of five and a limited budget, so Dollar Movies was really the only way we could all go out to the movies together. We enjoyed it while it was here! I agree with the previous comment, we'll have to make do with library DVDs now!
Tue, Jun 29, 2010 : 5:53 a.m.
I can't believe this wasn't announced to the public ahead of time. This is the only movie theater I ever go to, and I would have loved to go one more time. I'm disappointed that I won't get to see some of the movies I was looking forward to seeing at this location.