Straight 2 Your Door: Food delivery service expands in Michigan college towns

Straight 2 Your Door franchise owner Jasem Yousuf poses for a photo with his vehicle in front of a scoreboard at Michigan Stadium on Wednesday morning. Yousuf, a Michigan graduate, took over the Ann Arbor franchise and has expanded to East Lansing and Kalamazoo.
Melanie Maxwell |
Since Jasum Yousef became manager of Straight 2 Your Door in 2010, he says volume at the Ann Arbor food delivery service has quadrupled.
Yousuf, a University of Michigan alum, is now franchise owner of the Ann Arbor business and he’s hoping he can mimic Straight 2 Your Door’s success in other Michigan college towns.
He opened an East Lansing franchise in 2012, and he’s preparing to open a franchise in Kalamazoo in August.
“There is a lot of potential,” he said. “Especially if you spread it across three different markets.”
Founded in 2006, Straight 2 Your Door operates in 11 cities in eight states. The business acts as a middleman between consumers and restaurants that don’t offer delivery service.
“Ideally, restaurants give us a big enough discount on the food to allow us to sell it at face value,” Yousuf explained. “For them, it’s incremental revenue they wouldn’t have otherwise.”
By placing orders via Straight 2 Your Door, customers can get food from 37 different restaurants in the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti areas, including Bar Louie, Miki sushi, Raja Rani, Chili’s, Fleetwood Diner and Bangkok Cuisine. Straight 2 Your Door picks up the order and delivers it for a flat $3.99 delivery fee. The company advertises its maximum delivery time as 60 minutes.
“People can order from a restaurant that’s on the other side of town. They might want Chili’s, but live in a dorm. At dinner time, with Ann Arbor traffic, it might be an hour trip for them.”
Unlike local competitors, such as Good Guys Delivery service in Ypsilanti, Straight 2 Your Door focuses on just restaurant deliveries, not convenience or grocery store items.
Yousuf said college students — who might order sushi from Miki with chicken tenders from Max & Erma’s — are the business’ largest demographic, although the Ann Arbor franchise also delivers to U-M hospital and businesses around town.
“We do a fair amount of business to the hospital, since people are in there working 18-hour shifts,” he said. “We’re starting to target young professionals with our marketing efforts.”
He said the Ann Arbor franchise averages about 100 orders per day, and employs 25 delivery drivers.
“When I became manager in 2010, I saw the (Ann Arbor) business was in disrepair,” Yousuf said. “There were late orders and customer service complaints. I spent a lot of time trying to fix that. Then, naturally, our volume grew because people were more inclined to order again.”
The East Lansing franchise opened in June 2012 and Yousuf said it was somewhat difficult to spread the word about service with students gone for the summer. Now, he said, business is steadily growing
He plans to open the Kalamazoo franchise in August, a couple weeks before students return. He said several national chain restaurants are partnering with Straight 2 Your Door in Kalamazoo.
“It is a lot easier to sign restaurants now,” he said. “As we’ve grown, people can go to our website and see how many locations we’re in. We have a lot of big-name restaurants, whereas before, signing a corporate chain was a really big deal.”
Straight 2 Your Door operates from 11 a.m. to midnight, seven days a week.
Lizzy Alfs is a business reporter for Reach her at 734-623-2584 or email her at Follow her on Twitter at
City girl
Sat, Aug 24, 2013 : 9:38 p.m.
I am so disappointment with this company. I think it's a rip off, for one. I believe they are false advertising. They say there is a delivery fee, but the charges are imbedded in the price of the food as well. For example, a $20 dinner for two will likely cost you $35 if you use STYD. That's because the prices for STYD customers are much higher than if you were to get takeout on your own. In effect, the price of a $20 meal is about $35; so, the delivery/service charge should be $15, not $3.99 like they advertise. None of these restaurants have 2 separate menus with 2 different prices-one for takeout, one for eat-in. Class action lawsuit is waiting! The inflated prices for meal + Tip (I usually leave $5) + Service charge of STYD less than $2 + "delivery charge" of $3.99 always about $15 for having your food delivered for just a dinner for two. I only ordered from here because I do not have a car. Worse, I entered the coupon code incorrectly once. The customer service person actually argued with me, telling me the coupon was expired. Yet, I just received the coupon code that very day via e-mail!! After i told them that I just received the coupon that day (and had an email to prove it), they actually blew my off, never getting back to me about the issue after being all snotty. Good bye STYD!!!!
Mon, Jun 24, 2013 : 11:39 a.m.
"Straight 2 Your Door picks up the order and delivers it for a flat $3.99 delivery fee." That is true, but they also substantially mark up the restaurant prices. I am not saying the service is not worth it, but you shouldn't expect to pay the same price as you would at the restaurant.
Lizzy Alfs
Mon, Jun 24, 2013 : 1:13 p.m.
@craigjjs - Yousuf described it to me like this: Straight 2 Your Door partners with restaurants to try and get discounts on the food, so that Straight 2 Your Door can then charge menu price. Sometimes, though, the company can't get discounts on the food, so they might charge slightly more.
Mon, Jun 24, 2013 : 12:20 p.m.
The amount of the markup depends on the restaurant, as far as I can tell. Some seem more marked up than others.
Mon, Jun 24, 2013 : 3:02 a.m.
Allow me to add the perspective of an occasional customer. I've used them quite a bit. They do a great job. They don't miss that one-hour target very often. You're paying a premium over what you'd pay if you drove to the restaurant, but it can definitely be worth it. I'd like to see them expand their delivery area a bit, but I'm very happy with them.
Mon, Jun 24, 2013 : 1:16 a.m.
I worked for this company for a bit. I kept my car immaculate, and I wore a nice outfit. It was a great idea, but the pay is deplorable. You could work an 8 hour shift, and if you didn't take any deliveries, you wouldn't be paid. No minimum wage, only pay-per-delivery.
Sun, Jun 23, 2013 : 9:02 p.m.
Anyone that is conned into using their own car in such businesses is a sucker. Don't ever do it.
Jason M
Sun, Jun 23, 2013 : 7:51 p.m.
It's good to see a UofM graduate staying in the area and running a successful growing business!
Sun, Jun 23, 2013 : 2:29 p.m.
So I saw one of their delivery vehicles on the road the other day and I must say I was appalled. It was an older model station wagon of some sort, and it was absolutely FILTHY inside with the driver smoking with the windows only cracked. All I thought was that this was totally NOT the way I would ever want food delivered to myself. I know when I ran pizza delivery, if I caught a driver smoking while ON delivery (as in, a customer calls in and complains that the driver reeked of smoke) they were fired on the spot...and absolutely NO smoking in a company car.
Sun, Jun 23, 2013 : 6:30 p.m.
I was in no way assuming it was a company car, and you shouldn't have inferred that from my last sentence as I seperated it with an ellipsis. It was pretty obvious it wasn't a company car. Psst....people who smoke in the car with the window REEK. You might not think you do...but you're wrong. You can't smell your stank, but everyone else can. And this is from an ex-smoker...
Sun, Jun 23, 2013 : 6:10 p.m.
You're assuming that it was a company car...the friends I have that have worked in pizza delivery have had to use their own cars and attach the signage to it. Personally, I don't care what the car looks like or if the driver smells like smoke, as long as they get my complete order and the pie's hasn't slid or been turned upside down and they're cordial when delivering, I'm happy and give a good tip.