Polly's Country Market in Saline will close Saturday
The Polly's Country Market in Saline will close its doors for good at 6 p.m. Saturday. As it attempts to clear inventory, the store will be offering a sale on all items starting Thursday.
A letter distributed to employees last month stated the closing would be June 19, but Kim Kennedy, president of parent company Polly's Food Services Inc., said the Saline store will remain open until Saturday.

Lizzy Alfs | AnnArbor.com
The May 21 letter to employees blamed "inflationary rent, higher property taxes and escalating payroll taxes and insurance coverage costs" behind the decision to close the store.
The Saline store _ one of 10 stores operated by the family owned, Jackson-based company _ has also been under increased competition with the opening of a nearby Walmart store several years ago.
Store Director Mickey Zippay estimated that about 50 of the 70 employees who worked at the Saline store remained as of Tuesday, and that about half of the employees would be applying to work at the other Polly's locations. The nearest store to Saline is located in Dexter.
According to two employees who reached out to AnnArbor.com, Polly's had asked employees to sign an agreement to transfer to another location or their employment will be terminated. They also said that the company has cut hours and ignored seniority for employees who did move to other locations.
"People are saying they'll just work 'till the doors close and they can't come to work anymore," said one employee. "Many people can't afford to transfer out. I don't have a vehicle myself, and there's no way I could bike to the next nearest location. It's 20 miles away."
According to Kennedy, the company has asked employees to make an official petition for transfer if they want to move to another location, but it has not asked anyone to sign an "agreement."
Robert Fetter, an attorney specializing in labor law at the firm Miller Cohen PLC, said that employees could be denied unemployment benefits if they refuse a transfer to suitable alternate location.
"If there's a similar-enough type job in a close enough location, then the company would have a case that they can force a transfer," Fetter said. "But if there's substantially different working conditions, lower pay, or significantly fewer hours, then you wouldn't lose your unemployment benefits for refusing to take that job."
Polly's operates 9 other stores in Michigan in Adrian, Dexter, Brooklyn and Jackson. The location in Saline opened in 2007 after it took over a closed Farmer Jack location.
Ben Freed covers business for AnnArbor.com. Reach him at 734-623-2528 or email him at benfreed@annarbor.com. Follow him on twitter @BFreedinA2
Sat, Jun 30, 2012 : 10:36 p.m.
@Salinemarket Wow, I read a comment like that and just shake my head. Obviously you are a disgruntled employee but some of your rationale simply does not make a lot of sense. First off, after reading your initial comment, I should point out that Country Market has both a website and a Facebook page. I did not see a Twitter account :( but that is essentially the norm for companies in 2012. The store in Saline seems pretty well updated to me. In fact I shop at a much older location than that one and am very happy with the selections, prices, and employees. So I guess the idea of them being stuck in the stone ages as you have implied goes down the drain there. Moving on through your paragraph I can begin to identify part of the problem. You call your immediate boss ,"a joke." How disrespectful is that? Just an FYI, regardless of the size of a company most have a chain of command and retail level employees do not have 100% control over all operations. If you think it is bad there then you should try working at a larger corporate chain like Wal-Mart or Target. You move on to say that Country Market has no social responsibility. They seem to be very active in the community that I live. If the Kennedy kids are so bad then you should ask yourself how they have stayed in business for so long and only the Saline store is closing. They operate four in Jackson with several larger national chains there yet seem to do fine. Retail is a brutal industry and even major chains open and close locations regularly based on stores' performances, over head costs, profitability, etc... Wal-mart is probably the only exception as they seem to stay in any area regardless if it is profitable or not. Remember you were an employee of this company, so when you say that they need to hire better personnel to manage their stores you are effectively putting yourself down.
Sat, Jun 30, 2012 : 4:49 p.m.
Why they closed... the Kennedy's kids took over the business and have no real clue how to update / upgrade run a business in the year 2012. They only know the old school ways that mom and dad taught them. They try to do every thing without help and they think there way is the only way. Take a look at their corporate office. they are bother and sister and they fight like they are, Two of the brothers don't even talk to each other, how can you run a business when that happens? One will come in and say move this move that... then the other will come in and say why do you have that there move it here. The Store Manager was a joke he would have to call the office on everything even something little, he was afraid to do anything on his own. you can't run a store when the manager can't do stuff without checking in. Country Market had no Social Responsibility I don't think they even know what that is. They don't say thanks to the community. they are above me and you and don't humble their self. This reflects to their failing business, Saline store is not the only one the Dexter store and few other stores is just as bad Ghost Town. They need to upgrade / update hire managers that can do the job, they need to hire people to do jobs they can't do, like run a business in 2012. They are just to outdated for the times and it shows when they closed the store.
Tue, Jun 26, 2012 : 3:02 p.m.
Costco will not bring on the demise of Busch's or any other nearby food retailer in the area. Costco offers food and supplies in bulk. Big difference in the shopping enviroment
Sun, Jul 1, 2012 : 12:07 a.m.
No one retailer brings the demise of another. However market share is ever apparent and there is only so much of it in a small town the size of Saline. Every dollar spent at a Costco comes into play. Yes you are correct that bulk supply is a bit different from a standard grocery store but Sam's Clubs effect local grocery stores in towns they go in. Many families have a monthly budget and once X amount of dollars are spent, then they are spent. So yes Costco will have an adverse effect on Busch's but hopefully it will have a deeper effect on Wal-mart. It's about time that Wal-mart had to deal with someone their own size, or at least close to it lol. In the end we are seeing more independent chains go away and more corporate chains grow. This is the trend throughout America not just in Michigan :(
Mon, Jun 25, 2012 : 3:47 a.m.
I've never been more upset. The way this company has treated all of its employees is completely unfair. Trying to force us to take other positions at other store for a pay cut. Plus we stand the chance to lose our benefits, personal time, and seniority. I've also heard from several vendors that the owners are planning a year and a half to two year cut of stores. Sounds like athey are trying everything they can to keep as much money in their pockets.
Mon, Jun 25, 2012 : 7:10 p.m.
In this economy to be offered a job transfer is all you can ask for. You should be greatful they're even doing that. Some companies would not tell their employees at all and just let them show up to work one day with locked doors and an out of business sign. I've seen it. It's a bad situation but at least they're offering you a job somewhere else and gave employees some notice to make a decision. It sounds like some of the employees might be being a bit too demanding in regards to what they'll take and would prefer to take the handout unemployment check rather than work. Your last portion of your paragraph doesn't make a lot of sense. How does closing stores equate to putting more money in their pockets? No owner wants to close their business unless they have to. They'd much rather do business and make a profit or sell it for a profit. If the Saline store was truly a viable asset then another supermarket chain would have purchased it instead of them just closing it.
Thu, Jun 21, 2012 : 2:34 a.m.
All of you that are going to shop in Ann Arbor at Meijers. Poor customer service and subpar quality will make you go somewhere else!
Thu, Jun 21, 2012 : 2:29 a.m.
I see all of the posts about how Wal-Mart is so "evil" and "destroys businesses". The biggest question is where were all of you guys when Wal-Mart set it sights on Pittsfield Township? I bet over half of you guys have shopped at the "Evil Empire" and didn't even think twice about it. Country market bought on its own demise by poor management and not bringing something new to the table. They didn't want to change and set its self apart from Busch's and The "Evil Empire" Wal-Mart
Ann English
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 11:49 p.m.
I never shopped at the produce, meat or deli departments, just the aisles. The Busch's Fresh Food Market is several blocks away from this Country Market. The Dexter Country Market got me shopping there because of their advertising years ago. That store must be much more competitive than the Saline location was, for they're still operating with a Busch's Fresh Food Market right across the street from them. How do I explain Busch's success? Its headquarters are right in Ann Arbor and the Busch brothers have good business connections. Most of my memories of helpful employees in meat/seafood departments are at Busch locations. Not only on WHAT I might buy, but HOW to cook it too.
Mon, Jun 25, 2012 : 7:15 p.m.
@Hellfire. I believe it is corporate office not cooperate office. lol.....
Mon, Jun 25, 2012 : 3:58 a.m.
The only reason Polly's didn't close the dexter store is because they own the building. It doesn't matter anyway. More rumors that the dexter store will close partially because of Polly's not stepping up when the tornado hit Dexter. On top of that you can't just do donations outside without going through the cooperate office first, very much unlike Busch's.
Sat, Jun 23, 2012 : 5:26 p.m.
Busch's is not having much success in Saline dear. They may not be closing yet but trust me their not setting the world on fire in sales either.
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 4:48 p.m.
Folks in the public sector just don't understand the economics of production and generating an income. Another "tax paying" business goes under as a result of the public sector debt burden. The public sector solution.......another millage?
Sun, Jun 24, 2012 : 9:22 a.m.
And public employees have NO obligation to appeases the public as you suggest. It's nice to have it both ways. do you feel better sucking the life out of democracy?
Thu, Jun 21, 2012 : 3:37 p.m.
Actually it went out of business because the store sucked. It's really not rocket science. Why do conservatives always blame the public sector. Customers do not care about that - if the store is good they will go, if not, the store will go out of business.
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 3:56 p.m.
Not to mention that they gave all the prescriptions at Country Market to CVS. I, myself, decided to try out Jensen's Community Pharmacy that opened in Saline a couple of months ago and could not be happier!
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 4:55 p.m.
It's a business decision and CVS paid for the information. Why would you fault Polly for not "giving away" a valuable commodity?
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 4:19 p.m.
I understand that CVS buys this information, same as they did when Medicine Shop went out. I also changed to Jensen's- Very Happy.
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 2:25 p.m.
Sounds awfully scammy of you Polly. Shame on you.
Mon, Jun 25, 2012 : 4:01 a.m.
The problem is they wouldn't lose money had they stuck up for themselves and the other small and large businesses in the strip. They didn't have to let the rent get to high. The store could have easily paid for updates that were needed. Skylights to reduce cost, LED lights for the freezer, doors for the entire freezer. The only reason they didn't is cause they have the money to retire so why worry about the small guy!?
Sat, Jun 23, 2012 : 5:23 p.m.
Not scammy, just a business decision that had to be done for the good of their small chain. They have 9 other stores to worry about. This store was losing money due to a lot of factors. Cutting their losses by not renewing their lease and offering transfers to other stores is really the only smart business decision they could make. Small chains can't afford to lose money period after period.
Honest Abe
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 2:22 p.m.
This place was over rated and over priced. It is not Wal-Mart that put them out either. Polly's put themselves out. Like I said, when you charge more than a competitor who is a stone throw away from you, you will lose every time. I have yet to hear someone say "I love paying more"
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 4:52 p.m.
Go shopping in downtown A2 and you'll see lots of folks willing to pay more. Most are public sector employees or retirees supported by tax dollars generated by businesses like the Polly Market. That you seem glad to see revenue and job losses is a profound statement.
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 4:16 p.m.
How do you explain Buschs ? With your logic nobody would be left but Walmart. Get ready "I love paying more"- if the quality is worth it. I don't care how cheap Walmart is- I will never shop there. To some of us price is not everything- womens rights,child labor,coporate domination are also important.
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 2:13 p.m.
I will miss Country Market. It had a hometown feel to it.
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 1:44 p.m.
I strongly disagree that Wal-Mart or the upcoming Costco had anything to do with the departure of -Country Market. The store always was the "cheaper alternative" compared to Buschs and Wal-Mart to some consumers. The likely outcome will lead to increased business for Busch's and Good ol Wally World!
Sat, Jun 23, 2012 : 5:19 p.m.
It's really simple and most people posting negative comments from the Saline area just don't understand. When you talk about market share there is only so much per town. Saline is not that big of a town. To have three retail chains there and a fourth one coming honestly means there is not enough pie to go around. Truthfully both Busch's and Country Market were losing money just to stay open. People don't understand how thin profit margins actually are in retail and the costs associated with labor, equipment, maintenance, etc... Wal-mart is notorious for oversaturating a market and waiting for a smaller retailer to drop out. In this case they will not have that luxury because Costco will soon go head to head with them, replacing Country Market's food offerings while also bringing in clothing, electronics, etc... Country Market wasn't a bad store they were just the victim of a new landlord purchasing the property for too much causing both their rent and property taxes to go up. Add to that the fact that another retailer was entering the food retail game in a small town that already had 3 retailers and the writing was on the wall. They're getting out and cutting their losses before a bad situation turns into a terrible one. Smaller chains don't have the luxury to lose money period after period like larger chains. I'll be surprised if Busch's stays open much longer after the Costco opens. They'll get a bump in sales now but in the end Saline just isn't big enough to justify having 3 large supermarkets.
Thu, Jun 21, 2012 : 2:31 a.m.
Country Market could have came up with ideas to combat Busch's and Wally World. The owners obviously didn't want to invest the money or brainpower to keep the place afloat
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 2:11 p.m.
So you think they lied about the sales numbers ? Why? Not as likely an outcome as you think. Like many here, I would NEVER spend money at Walmart and I can't afford Buschs. I'm going to Ann Arbor probobly Meijer, where I'll be tempted to "one Stop shop" and quit buying in Saline. This close will hurt every store in Saline.
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 12:58 p.m.
Are they going to claim bankrupcy?
Sat, Jun 23, 2012 : 5:03 p.m.
No Diane. They have 9 other stores and a some of them do very well. Saline was just a bad spot for a small independent so the decision was made to close the store and not renew the lease. The Saline market are is oversaturated with retailers based on its population and another retailer (Costco) was about to open. A new owner took ownership of the stirp mall they were in. The property was overpaid for by the owner and the lease agreement in that strip mall requires tenants pay property taxes. Those property taxes went up as did the rent. The store actually had average sales but for the amount of overhead it took to operate the location it simply was not profitable and was actually losing money. I'm sure you've noticed some of the other vacancies in the building. Sometimes it's better for a small chain to just cut their losses and move on rather than to allow a bad location tie up cash flow for the entire chain. Bigger corporate chains can get away with this but it bites into smaller chains like this one much quicker. Smaller chains must make decisions like this to avoid bankruptcy for the entire chain.
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 12:56 p.m.
Still whining and crying about not having a job and relying on the government for assistance? Ignore Walmart's job offerings.
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 5:58 p.m.
I am well aware of Walmart's practices. How about staying in High school, graduating, going to college (or trade school). If you can't afford it, be self-motivated. Don't blame all your shortcomings on someone else. Don't rely on the government and the rest of society to take care of you. Walmart started out as a single store once as well.
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 4:22 p.m.
So, I take it you are not aware that Walmart pays so poor that most workers ARE on government assistance. I understand they even teach you how to apply.
Lac Court Orilles
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 12:30 p.m.
Lost your job yet, keep shopping at Walmart! When you shop at Walmart, you are making a deal with the Devil.
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 1 p.m.
All I see is supporting CHINA, CHINA, CHINA @ WalMart!!!!! Support CHINA, NEVER!
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 12:56 p.m.
Yep, keep shopping at Walmart to save a few bucks and lose a few jobs. I really don't understand Walmart shoppers.
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 12:56 p.m.
I agree wholeheartedly. I avoid Walmart at all costs, unless everything else has already closed and Walmart is the only choice. When are people going to wake up and take notice of "The Evil Empire"?
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 12:55 p.m.
Agreed! You couldn't pay me enough to shop at Walmart. That place is vile and evil
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 11:55 a.m.
I have lived in Saline since 2003, when Country Market took over the Farmers Jacks it almost immediately became less appealing to shop at. It never appeared clean or well organized. I am amazed it lasted as long as it did. It is very sad to lose the business, however to compete against Walmart and Buschs they would have had to put some money and time into making it a viable alternative for grocery shopping, they never did that!
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 2:05 p.m.
Totaly disagree- lived in Saline 50 years, you were not here back in the old Spartan store on the west and A&P on the east side days. Country Market was great, I'll agree the produce not the best but the deli was great and so was the meat. Glitz not as important as good staff and price. I am doing my grocery in Ann Arbor now- Buschs too expensive and won't spend money with Walmart.
Lynn S
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 1:43 p.m.
I agree with you. The store was not appealing. The produce, deli and meat sections were poor, and the overall merchandising of the store was badly done. They can try to put the blame elsewhere, but they were simply not a good store.
Wed, Jun 20, 2012 : 11:31 a.m.
Seems clear they are laying the groundwork to avoid paying unemployment.