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Posted on Wed, Oct 17, 2012 : 9 a.m.

CEO Podcasts: Conversations on Economic Opportunity, Dr. Rose Bellanca

By Paul Krutko, SPARK

Rose Bellanca.jpg

Dr. Rose Bellanca, President of Washtenaw Community College

Area employers have a high demand for talent; there are more than 200 jobs currently listed on SPARK's Talent Portal. Do you have the training & expertise it takes to land one of these jobs? Washtenaw Community College can help you learn the skills necessary for many of the region's most in-demand careers.

In her conversation with Donna Doleman, SPARK's VP of marketing, communications, and talent, Dr. Bellanca discusses the resources available to those who are seeking employment in growing industries.

Dr. Bellanca became the first woman president of Washtenaw Community College in August 2011. She comes to Washtenaw from Northwood University in West Palm Beach, Florida where she served as the provost and chief operating officer.

Check out more CEO Podcasts: Conversations on Economic Opportunity on the Ann Arbor SPARK website!


Donna Doleman talks with Dr. Rose Bellanca



Sun, Dec 30, 2012 : 7 p.m.

The hiring of Dr. Rose Bellanca as WCCC president should give pause. 1) Dr. Bellanca nearly fired one of the best English teachers at MCCC: John C. Bonnell. Academic Freedom of Students and Professors, and Political Discrimination Web-site: In a 2005 CHE article, Bonnell made the following comments. "The community college where I teach has successfully suspended "academic freedom" and freedom of speech generally. It does this, in part, because it believes it owes this to the "conservative" community of which it is the flagship institution." Dr. Bellanca paved the way for the preceding occurrence. 2) Her crony provost, Gus Demas was censured. Demas' censure speaks to college's flawed leadership Web-site: In this 2006 article, the following assertion was made. "…the faculty has repeatedly expressed its serious concerns about the poor communication and disservice to students this administration is causing…But our concerns have been ignored and poor decisions ramrodded through a Board of Trustees mostly asleep at the wheel." 3) A crony of Dr. Bellanca visited a board member at SC4 and urged him to treat the then SC4 president with more respect. Governing Board 'Gag Order' Web-site: On that website, the following comments were made. "…Thomas A. Hamilton [is only] one on the seven-member Board of Trustees…regularly challenging policies adopted by the two-year institution's president and questioning whether the board is fulfilling its obligations to oversee and assess her performance…."