Cafe Japon owner Miyoko Honma plans to keep baking after restaurant closes

Cafe Japon owner Miyoko Honma will close down the cafe to focus on her love of bread
Amanda Vogelsang | contributor
The café will close at the end of June, but Honma will continue to bake bread and sell at the farmers market in Kerrytown on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and she is also looking into going back to school for nutritional science.
"I want to know exactly how the ingredients are working together, so that I can correct my bread and make it even better," Honma said. "When I was learning, my teachers would tell me what to do to make different things happen with the yeast or the dough, but I want to understand why it works, how it works."
Honma also has plans to open an artisan bakery in the Washtenaw County Food Hub on Whitmore Lake Road. in December or January. She wants to focus on using locally sourced and organic ingredients to make top-quality bread and pastries.
It will be a return to what she intended to do when she first opened the café.
"All I wanted to do was bake the perfect baguette," Honma said. "And then people started telling me you should cook this and you should add that. I just wanted to make bread!"

Pastries at Cafe Japon.
Amanda Vogelsang | contributor
"I am a very demanding person, and everything has to be exactly right," she said. "So I would end up doing a lot of the cooking, a lot of the baking, a lot of the everything myself. I would sometimes be cooking for 30 straight hours without getting a chance to sleep."
Her diligence in the kitchen won her a large fan base. But even with a following, it was becoming difficult to keep the business afloat.
"To make money in the restaurant business you have to make compromises," Honma said. "I don't like making compromises, I'm stubborn. I like to use 100 percent organic flour, and pure honey and flour to really make everything taste right. But it's hard to do that and run a full restaurant."
According to Honman, the combination of top-quality ingredients she was using, and the lack of suitable seating space in her current location led to the decision to close shop.
say it plain
Sun, Jun 10, 2012 : 8:20 p.m.
I too am glad she will continue baking...those breads and croissants are amazing! And it is so terribly too bad that Ann Arbor's restaurant scene will continue to suffer from the landlords and brokers around here... How ironic that the sidebar for my version of this page shows the photo of one of those responsible for the pathetic state of Ann Arbor restaurants generally. Too difficult to rent space and keep it good, never mind whatever perfection the owners of Cafe Japon had hoped to achieve!
Tom Teague
Sun, Jun 10, 2012 : 5:30 p.m.
Good news!
Sun, Jun 10, 2012 : 3:13 p.m.
I'm sure the high rent was a factor as well. This is a lesson in the A2 restaurant business. Cutting corners on ingredients and jacking up prices is the only way to survive. Keep this in mind as you go to A2 restaurants. I'm glad one person still maintains high standards in the food business and didn't compromise quality; she will find her place in the artisan bakery business.
Sun, Jun 10, 2012 : 2:12 p.m.
Miyoko - our family loves your bread! (and croissants on special occasion; how can we not?!) My lucky children take your baguette as bread for their sandwiches every day in their lunches to school. We are so relieved to hear you will continue to bake. We obtain your products from Morgan & York. In particular, I greatly appreciate your attention to quality of ingredients, detail, and perfection in baking. Thank you for being awesome!
Sun, Jun 10, 2012 : 12:36 p.m.
Morgan and York will continue to sell her delicious bread and pastry also.
Sun, Jun 10, 2012 : 12:18 p.m.
Hallelujah! We think the baguettes are the best in town and are super glad to hear her plans to continue making and selling them at the market! Thank you Miyoko!
Jeff Renner
Sun, Jun 10, 2012 : 12:15 p.m.
I'm glad to hear this good news for Ann Arbor. I certainly understand the desire to understand the science behind bread.
Sun, Jun 10, 2012 : 10:44 p.m.
I think the good news is that even though she's closing her restaurant, she's going to keep baking and selling at the Farmers' Market, and later at the new Washtenaw Food Hub.
Sun, Jun 10, 2012 : 6:45 p.m.
I am confused, I missed the good news part. Seems like the woman is being forced out of business by the landlord.