Annual economic forecast for Washtenaw County unveiled at March 10 event; Gov. Rick Snyder is keynote speaker
The annual economic forecast for Washtenaw County will be released March 10 by's Business Review during our Outlook Luncheon.
The event, sponsored by the Washtenaw Economic Club, also will feature a keynote address by Gov. Rick Snyder, state officials just confirmed.

George Fulton
Fulton and Grimes are concluding their analysis this week, and's Business Review will provide coverage of its contents as Fulton presents it on March 10. In 2010, the report predicted the start of jobs growth.
Snyder, meanwhile, is expected to give his own take on Michigan's economic forecast. He's concluding his first quarter as the state's top elected leader and recently proposed an aggressive budget that seeks to change business taxation, state tax credits and other systems.
The event is sponsored by the Washtenaw Economic Club, which offers four annual speaking events on business topics per year. It also coincides with's Business to Business Expo. Both will be at Washtenaw Community College.
Some tickets remain available for the luncheon, which starts at 11:30 a.m. Individual tickets are $75, with season memberships available.
T. Kinks
Thu, Mar 3, 2011 : 2:19 p.m.
Ok now we just need to get the word out to be @ WCC 11 am March 10th!
David Briegel
Wed, Mar 2, 2011 : 11:58 p.m.
BioWheels, The TeaPublican philosophy is to continue the class warfare being waged against those least able to afford more to the benefit of the victors of the class warfare, the wealthiest in our society! Hey Rick, It's bad and getting worse. $75 and you heard it here first! Rick, Reverse Robin Hood!
Wed, Mar 2, 2011 : 11:01 p.m.
T. Kinks I agree that we should picket Gov. Snyder and his plans to increase taxes. The local groups that are opposed to Snyder's give to the wealthy and tax the poor should be there in full force. Let's let Gov. Snyder know that he is making a terrible mistake. The AAEA, WCC employees, and other groups should plan on being there to demonstrate to the governor that his tax the poor policies are shameful. I thought republicans wanted to cut taxes, not increase them on those who can least afford it. Boy did he fool the voters in Michigan.
T. Kinks
Wed, Mar 2, 2011 : 8:57 p.m.
I say we get people together & picket WCC before the luncheon & let Snyder know we are not happy w/ his tax cuts!
say it plain
Wed, Mar 2, 2011 : 6:56 p.m.
C'mon @David Briegel: it's happened already, it's going to happen, what's the difference ;-) What do you think the odds are that Snyder would be giving the keynote and the forecast wouldn't be at least 'upbeat', probably at the very least touting the new better business environment they'd expect with Snyder's proposed changes and the whole UM business incubator stuff and so on?! Plus we've already heard how real estate, at least according to this outlet's business reviews, is on its way out of decline, as evidenced by less bleeding these first couple months of the year? In any case, we shouldn't expect more than about .6 percent difference, whatever that means, between the forecast and the post-mortum ;-)