Ann Arbor's Crazy Wisdom more than a book store
When my husband and I started dating, we would sometimes make a night out of hanging out at our local bookstore. I know, it does not sound like the hilt of excitement, but we loved the cozy surroundings, the people watching, and our book selections were always fodder for good conversation.
These days many people opt to have their books ordered and shipped to their door via online giants like It’s convenient, easy and can be even cheaper than picking out books the old-fashioned way.
But for me it leaves something missing.
I am the kind of girl who can browse even a greeting card aisle for an hour before settling on the right pick. I like the big selection, and I like the ability to leaf through and put back. I have found many a wonderful author simply because of where books are placed on display or based on what I notice other people reading.
So, surviving and thriving local book sellers are a thing to be celebrated in my book (so to speak).
A downtown favorite here in Ann Arbor is Crazy Wisdom Bookstore and Tea Room. Despite the economic challenges and the online retail competition, Crazy Wisdom remains a strong presence here in Ann Arbor.
What’s their secret? Great location, eclectic offerings, thoughtful displays, a fabulous tin ceilinged tea room overlooking Main Street... yes, these are all part of what makes Crazy Wisdom an integral piece of Ann Arbor. But I think they have another feature that contributes greatly to their success.
One look at their online calendar of events gives it away. “We have a variety of things going on organized by a variety of people,” bookstore manager Rachel Pastiva tells me. During any given month you can find entertaining, educational and fun events almost every day of the week. And most of the events are free.
“We are more than a book store. I see Crazy Wisdom as a community resource, and a lot of people see us that way,” Pastiva explains. Many community leaders and experts host local talks and series in Crazy Wisdom’s Meeting Space and Tea Room. The Meeting Space can be rented out as well, so that allows for a lot of diversity and interest.
Here’s a sampling of some of the entries on their current calendar:

Singer songwriter Anna Elizabeth performs as a prelude to her father, Steve Gillis, presenting a reading at Works In Progress/Works In Print on March 17.
angela smith | contributor
Work In Progress/ Work In Print: Through May, Ann Arborites can become acquainted with some of the newest freshest local talent you can find on Wednesday nights. Last week, I caught a reading and performance by father and daughter Steve Gillis and Anna Elizabeth. Anna is a 15 year old singer, songwriter, and guitar player. I have gotten used to hearing her original melodies and ethereal voice at community venues and festivals; she performs locally throughout the summer. Her father Steve, an accomplished novelist and cofounder of dzanc books, read his most recent short story from a collection called the Principles of Landscape.

Fairy Tea: For a youngster, tea parties and dress up can be daily fun, but when even the grownups and staff are costumed, its easy to see why the Crazy Wisdom Fairy Teas sell out time and again. The Mother’s Day Fairy Tea on May 9 is sure to be a real treat. The Web site gives details: Children and their families are welcome for tea and petits fours. Celebrate with our (real) magical fairies as they serve tea, treats, and magic. (fee per person)
Live Music: The weekends are a perfect time to enjoy a cup of tea and some laid back tunes in the tin ceilinged tea room. Musician Randall Beek seeks out Ann Arbor performers and secures some favorites for free live entertainment every Friday and Saturday from 8:30 - 10:30 p.m. Billy King of Frog Holler fame and John Churchville, who performs his soothing Indian tabla music on March 27, are two longtime favorites that perform regularly.
Crazy Wisdom is fortunate that people in Ann Arbor give importance to shopping locally, but Pastiva says the store gets many frequent visitors from literally all over the country. She says the bookstore owners Bill Zirinsky and Ruth Schekter are thoughtful about purchases and are researching the idea of online sales in order to stay current and successful.
Lead Shopping Blogger Angie Smith will hunt for deals and dish on the latest in retail and business news in Ann Arbor. Readers will attain notices of great deals and store happenings in and around the city. To report a news item or tip contact her at
Crazy Wisdom Tea Room
Sat, Mar 27, 2010 : 4:14 p.m.
Thank you for taking the time to read the article about Crazy Wisdom! We welcome your comments; we always appreciate feedback that we can use to make Crazy Wisdom a more inviting and special place. Katie, thank you for sharing your experience with us. We will reflect on your comments and work to improve the Tea Room procedures and supervision. We regularly receive positive feedback and we appreciate comments that will keep us alert and allow us to continue to make our visitors feel welcomed and attended to. At Crazy Wisdom we understand that customer service is extremely important in helping to create the warm and cozy spot where you can read a good book and sip a tasty drink. Please come back again and let us know what we can do to help you feel more comfortable!
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 11:30 a.m.
katie - maybe you could be more specific in what you saw? "If the health dept had been there that day, they would have seen several violations that kind of grossed me out" I, too, take note of food service cleanliness, etc. Most places, unfortunately, are not in FULL compliance at all times. But there are details that are more concerning than others to me. As a small tea, coffee and pastry cafe that is VERY visible to customers - I have to say that I've never seen anything that caught my eye at Crazy Wisdom. "The woman behind the counter was out of it, sloppy, and not too pleasant when I asked about gluten free choices" This is the never-ending customer service aspect that is sometimes nothing more than the dynamics of the customer and waiter.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 10:21 a.m.
I LOVE this store. There are always new finds and inspiration there. And the Tea with the Fairies is the cutest thing! My 3-year-old thinks it is the most amazing thing ever. I've never seen a problem with the clenliness of the tea room...maybe it was an off day?
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 9:45 a.m.
I love CW, always something interesting: be it books, music, jewelry, or a cup of tea. I always get my next-years calendar at CW as they have some unusual artists you can't find elsewhere~
Linda Diane Feldt
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 9:32 a.m.
I've been offering classes and lectures in association with Crazy Wisdom for more than 25 years now. Bill and Ruth took a small very good bookstore, and made it into a special part of the alternative community. They have provided the space, the support, and also created a resource for that community with great generousity and passion. In addition to being one of those hold out successful independent bookstores, CW also prints a quarterly newsletter with articles that provide insight and direction into this alternative community. It is a tremendous asset, and Bill has invested in the print media even as others are retreating. Crazy Wisdom is the place to go in town for those who are curious and exploring some out of the ordinary thinking and feeling. Books on health and healing, religion, spirituality, philosophy, non-Western thought, it is an incredible resource embraced by so many. Without question, Crazy Wisdom is exactly the sort of resource and asset that makes Ann Arbor a great place to live. Bill and Ruth have made contributions to the richness and diversity of our lives which are immeasurable - but certainly must be at least mentioned in association with this article.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 8:09 a.m.
I love that place.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 7:27 a.m.
I *want* to like Crazy Wisdom since I'm a big advocate of patronizing local businesses. I do like some of their books and would buy books there. However, I went to the tea room with a friend and was not impressed with the level of attention to cleanliness and the way the tea room was run. If the health dept had been there that day, they would have seen several violations that kind of grossed me out. The woman behind the counter was out of it, sloppy, and not too pleasant when I asked about gluten free choices. I'd like to see better training in procedures and supervision of employees before I'd ever go there again. Too bad, since the view from the tea room and the decorating of the tea room itself is charming.